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WAAPT Cards Against Humanity Deck

Feel free to add; there is no limit to how many cards are in the expansion packs! Make 'em as big as you want!

Base Deck! (PYX code 2NTEY)

Base Deck!

Black Cards

  1. Kirsten is planning an avant-garde music piece based on _ and using _ as an instrument
  2. Alys enjoys chewing on _
  3. Mathilde's beauty secret is to rub her face with _
  4. When exposed to Fear Toxin, I saw _
  5. Salvador had a rather unpriestly fantasy involving _ and _
  6. What really went down between Sarah and Duke on Cuddle Night?
  7. Deziree's latest invention uses large amounts of _
  8. Joseph speaks to the fairies through _
  9. Constantin has a burning hatred of _
  10. In a Tinny dream, I saw _ growing from a tree that grew from the mouth of _
  11. Shadow Regina was created using the power of _
  12. Let _ Say _
  13. How did Straw die this time?
  14. The Fourth Wall cannot save you from _
  15. What's making Verax so mad?
  16. _ is the next media arc
  17. Noir turned _ into a _.
  18. Mimmy is currently reading _.
  19. Grohl planted images of _ into Psyche's mind
  20. Ren made _ for _.
  21. With the role of the Avenger taken by Lillianna, Lucius became a new superhero based on _.
  22. Psyche's latest Mindcrush Rampage was brought on by _
  23. Desperate searching for _, _ decides to sleep in a trashcan.
  24. _ marked the turning point between canon and the Lillifuture.
  25. Ever's life changed when he was struck by _.
  26. Maria went on a dig and found _.
  27. Why's Lane depressed again?
  28. Jason made a new Construct! It's _.
  29. DAMMIT, _!
  30. Create Your Own Neo-Flare Official Chat! (Play 3 Cards)
  31. Lenore has written a new story about _ going on adventures with _!
  32. Verax has begun to blame _ for everything. He's probably right.
  34. D!Posted about _.
  35. Today the Impossible Merchant has a special offer on _.
  36. Blue has invented a new Purification process which involves _.
  37. _, the new arc villain, wants to create a world without _.
  38. Lex is busy inventing _ for Neo-Flare
  39. There will be a new media arc starring _ and _!
  41. The J-Team fandom has _ pegged as the _ in the relationship.
  42. _ just caught _ shirtless AGAIN.
  43. Lex's robo-arm even has an app for _!
  44. Does anyone even care about _?
  45. Epic Rap Battles of _! Hosted by your friends, the Unown!
  46. MGMT is signing a song about _ to troll _.
  47. A Brick Joke just landed! It was about _.
  48. The fandom is in a rage after Hikari posted about _ on her Tumblr!
  49. The E4 Challenge of _ failed due to _.
  50. For the love of _, stop tempting _!
  51. Speak of _ and find them in _

White Cards

  1. Salvador's sinfully-good-looking booty
  2. The mere CONCEPT of the 4th Wall
  3. Lazarus
  4. MissingNo
  5. The grievous misuse of Auric powers
  6. The delicious taste of Abel's soul
  7. A sweat inducing "training" session
  8. The TOASTER
  9. Joseph's former hair color
  10. A wheelbarrow of Ursaring shit
  11. A bloody stiletto
  12. A copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream with a bite taken out of the title page
  13. A very confused Dune
  14. A drunken Sabaku
  15. Edge
  16. Playing Chess
  17. Izumi's not-so-annoying arrows
  18. Riding Tagg's Salamence
  19. Stupid Sexy Diane
  20. A Gate-Inducing makeout session.
  21. Eating delicious pastry
  22. Verax still being salty over the Chainsaw Death Scythe
  23. A raunchy Truth or Dare night
  24. Alyssa being hardcore in the Hunger Games
  25. Tagg in a rare moment of embarrassment
  26. Constantin
  27. Stupid Sexy Salvador
  28. One of Maria von Boehm's former lovers
  29. A cryptic conversation with a spirit who lives in an answering machine
  30. Love Seat
  31. The most evil villain of them all: Time Zones
  32. A defictionalized Alyssa plushie
  33. A kick to the dick from Samantha.
  34. The Very Bad Thing
  35. The Gamefreak Spy
  36. The time when Psychay was a thing
  37. Noir turning someone into a indignant chair
  38. Hot Wax
  39. Zeal's Eye Growing Back
  40. MGMT singing Rosepoint
  41. Lesbianism
  42. The Ghost Lord
  43. Munn's Robot Arms™
  44. Beedrills?
  45. Designer Superhero Costumes
  46. Joseph, guiltily swishing mouthwash
  47. Shipping Wars
  48. Sarah, drunk and miserable in the future
  49. Dank memes
  50. Slouch
  51. Jacob doing a hero pose all night
  52. Hikari's sexy pose!
  53. An archive binge of WAAPT
  54. The ever-present option to dance
  55. The Genderswap Amulet
  56. The Official Neo-Flare Chattr
  57. A chatroom ghost from days of old
  58. Bittersweet's iPhone
  59. Solana's Tendrils
  61. Smoking Dog Treats
  62. MURDER
  63. Senshi's masculinity.
  64. Maria in a [Turkish] belly dancing outfit.
  65. The inevitable PC named Beri
  66. Spooky Scary Skeletons
  67. Aimless bumbling about
  68. An Arc that lasts for nearly a year
  69. General White
  70. The Silly Pidgey
  71. Auric Chains being used for bondage.
  72. The totally legitimate and legal dealings of the Al-Gala family business
  73. Everyone's favourite Cinnamon Roll
  74. Everyone's favourite Sinnamon Roll
  75. The Problematic Fave
  76. Stealth Rocks
  77. Spagposting
  78. Prewriting
  79. A Walkabout that took way longer to make than it should
  80. An expy of an expy
  81. Too many universes
  82. Having a bad time
  83. All the Disappeared Dads in the Amarin family
  84. Exceedingly creative uses for a violin bow
  85. Spoopy ghosty punkins
  86. A shockingly large collection of vinyls
  87. Banished to the ghost realm
  88. Intense power bottom
  89. Handmaiden
  90. Retired characters
  91. Samantha, in a snappy pantsuit
  92. Straw dying, again
  93. From Space With Love
  94. Shitposting for five hours
  95. A villain idly stalking the J-team on social media
  97. Dual-wielding Desert Eagles in Gangsta Style.
  98. Constantin's racism
  99. Cool Clothes
  101. Tinpthed
  102. Excessive use of emoticons
  103. Those darn futurekids

Expansion Packs!

Black Card Expansions

  1. Get rid of your three worst cards! _ _ _
  2. Vierr having all four types of Aura is risky enough; having the power of _ would just be overpowered.
  3. Congratulations, newbie! Due to an accident, your character is responsible for _! How do you respond? _
  4. But it's said, the next day, at _'s home / _ had come... with a rose of their own!
  5. The newest thing Bittersweet is wasting her money on a commission of is _.
  6. *bwaCRASH!* There is now a Sneasel on _'s face.
  7. Mew "helped" _ by _
  8. _ took over Arceus' job for a day, we're doomed.

White Card Expansions

  1. Jacob's srs face
  2. Echo's shockingly kinky and oddly specific fantasies
  3. A Purrloinsparce
  4. A J-Team meeting gone horribly wrong
  5. The Bagel Hour
  6. Tracer's Law
  7. The Greninja Squad
  8. Fancy hats
  9. Tackling someone to assert your dominance
  10. The Amarin twins, both wearing exceptionally tight skinny jeans
  11. Levi wearing Levi's
  12. The Chainsaw Death Scythe
  13. Oblivia Raikou's Pop-Tart addiction
  14. J-Con 2020
  15. Lina's left hook
  17. Ghost swords
  18. Unusually colored kidneys
  19. Time shenanigans
  20. Poor, poor Boatman
  21. The Creepy Shadow Plushie
  22. One of the thousand different Lilys
  23. Crocheting an Obscenity Shawl
  24. An entire pocket multiverse behind a magical mirror
  25. Lanie waiting to show up out of nowhere to prove she's not dead

Individual Name White Card Decks

(All names without silly modifiers; does not include characters already listed in such a way in the base deck)

Author Avatars

(Characters that share their names with their writers. May not be PCs, or even directly based on their authors; sorted separately for the sake of versatility. Retired Author Avatars may be split off later.)

  1. Tagg
  2. Umbra
  3. Eskay
  4. Psyche
  5. Zeal
  6. Mezzo
  7. Dune
  8. Straw
  9. Crewe
  10. Verax
  11. DS
  12. Tangent
  13. Silent
  14. Tracer
  15. Gamer
  16. Meddler
  17. Jane
  18. Luke
  19. Pentigan
  20. Blitz
  21. Keys
  22. Rex
  23. OuRex
  24. Wolf


(Authors who do not share their names with their characters)

  1. Skyzerk
  2. Beri
  3. FullMoon
  4. Dogs
  5. everydunsparce
  6. Bittersweet
  7. CorvusAtrox
  8. Morpheus
  9. Sixth
  10. Herbert
  11. Quarter
  12. Bacon
  13. Crow


(Human characters that stick around with the J-Team, primarily PCs that do not share their name with their authors)

  1. Deziree
  2. Solana
  3. Salvador
  4. Lina
  5. Ammy
  6. Arika
  7. Nico
  8. Robin
  9. Sarah
  10. Vierr
  11. Diane
  12. Skye
  13. Alyssa
  14. Teresa
  15. Lucius
  16. Lillianna
  17. Sholto
  18. Maggie
  19. Hajime
  20. Lanie
  21. Savannah
  22. Jacob
  23. Joseph
  24. Munn
  25. Samantha
  26. Mimmy
  27. Forte
  28. Pianis
  29. Fortis
  30. Noelle
  31. Ever
  32. Amanita
  33. Brie
  34. Elise
  35. Ren
  36. Sakura
  37. Lyuri
  38. Duke
  39. Hikari
  40. Bluebell
  41. Red
  42. Jason
  43. Maria Heiden
  44. Lane


(Characters known primarily for being villains)

  1. Deskman
  2. Bonfire
  3. Noir
  4. Coyote
  5. Echo
  6. Maria von Boehm
  7. Lex
  8. Odin
  9. Silvio
  10. Iulianus
  11. Boatman
  12. Penumbra
  13. Kirsten
  14. Alys
  15. Titan
  16. Deimos
  17. Aelia
  18. Allen
  19. Marcus Rothschild
  20. Liú
  21. Esprit
  22. Taylor
  23. Jenna Crescendo
  24. Lily Crescendo
  25. Mortimer
  26. Tokarev
  27. Lanius
  28. Napoleon


(NPCs that do not fit into the "Villains" category)

  1. Doradan
  2. Ellen
  3. Levi
  4. Santiago
  5. Vyvyan
  6. Yvonne


(Prominent or notorious Pokemon characters)

  1. Salamence the Altaria
  2. Doc
  3. Iron Marrow
  4. Shaka
  5. Snowman
  6. Mew Prime
  7. Starkeeper
  8. Chrome
  9. Gogie
  10. Finn
  11. Sundancer
  12. Chum
  13. Connie
  14. Gui
  15. Regina
  16. Argentum
  17. Phlegethon
  18. Felis
  19. Sunny
  20. Lakitu
  21. Shadow
  22. Diesel
  23. Breeze
  24. Ephemera
  25. Letter
  26. Emperor
  27. MGMT
  28. Spectrum
  29. Teishi
  30. Kaminari
  31. Glendower
  32. Senshi
  33. Crash
  34. Shana
  35. Tyrio
  36. Enigma
  37. Muddy
  38. The Pseuteces
  39. The Floette Hive Mind
  40. Mako
  41. Scarlett
  42. Nightshade
  43. Morrigan