Clavis Family

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The Clavis Family is a family containing both PCs and NPCs that exists in the background of WAAPT as a business conglomerate.

Structure of the Families

The Clavis Family uses a male-preference primogeniture system where the head of the main family leads the other branch families. Each branch family runs their own business. The main family helps support the branch families' businesses - legally, financially, or otherwise - and in return get a sizable return on investment. If a branch family starts reflecting too negatively on the on the main family's bottom line (which in turn affects all the branch families), that branch family is removed from the support of the main family and from the conglomerate.

Inheritance of the Main Family

Each subsequent head of the main family is selected via a modified version of elective gavelkind. All heads of the families - including the main family - vote on which of the selected candidates will be the next head. Candidates are generally the children of the current head of the main family, although children of branch families can be nominated if the head of the main family fails to produce an heir or there are outstanding children in branch families. And while the Clavis Family uses a Patriarchal system, female candidates are not uncommon, and have been selected as the head of the main family when no fitting male candidate was available.

The candidates that are not selected as heir are spun off as branch families and have twelve months to at least present proof-of-concept of a venture or business that will satisfy the heads of the family to allow the candidates to be allowed into the conglomerate.

Perks of the Main Family

The biggest perk of being a member of the main family is the effectively unlimited funds that can be shown physically in the form of a "black card" - a simple black credit card with only the name of the holder on the card. Only legal adults of the main family a guaranteed use of a black card, and even that privilege can be revoked. Although extremely rare, members of branch families that have proven invaluable to the Clavis Conglomerate as a whole are also granted use of a black card - as long as they remain invaluable to the conglomerate as a whole.

The main family also enjoys free and unrestricted use of all Clavis estates and properties, as well as unrestricted use of the family Pokemon ranches. Branch families can also can makes use of the properties and facilities, but have to deal with various requests for permission - which can include monetary penalties and exchanges.

Known Members of The Clavis Family