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Lightning is Shaun's female Pikachu.


Lightning differs from most Pikachu in two ways - for starters, she's a shiny Pikachu. Secondly, her left ear is missing a little chunk wear she was bitten during a fight.


Lightning is a shy, quiet girl. She prefers the company of her friends to that of strangers. Despite her meek, nonconfrontational personality, you do NOT want to piss her off. She can and will do whatever she needs to protect herself and her friends.


  • Species: Lightning
  • Age: 6
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: Febuary 7, 2011
  • Ball: Nest

Known Techniques

  • Ability: Static
  • TypeElectric.gif Thunder Shock, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Spark, Nuzzle, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Thunderspark, Thunder Punch
  • TypePsychic.gif Agility, Light Screen
  • TypeNormal.gif Quick Attack, Feint, Double Team, Strength
  • TypeFighting.gif Rock Smash
  • TypeWater.gif Rain Dance

Notable RP Events


  • Trusts Shaun a lot.
  • Very close friends with Ruby and Jessica.


  • Loves Combee honey.
  • Hasselmon user; handle is "shySurge".
  • Speech color: Gold
Shaun's Team
On Hand :Jamie038aMini.pngCelena797Mini.pngTsuboi768Mini.pngMidna478Mini.png Woomy706Mini.pngMonsoon395Mini.pngQrow823Mini.png
PEFE HQ: Tsunami395Mini.pngAce398Mini.pngBeowulf475Mini.png
On Their Own: Jessica037Mini.png
Sapphire House, Sinnoh : Jasper0197Mini.pngLightning025Mini.png*Ruby407Mini.pngNero206Mini.png
Unova : Achille571Mini.png
AU : Typhoon395Mini.pngCreme Puff700Mini.pngSolarfax078Mini.pngMargaret242Mini.pngLuka448Mini.pngAveline542Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar