Shaun Sapphire

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Name: Shaun Sapphire
Nickname/Alias: None
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Height: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unovan/Sinnohan (appears Caucasian)
Birthday: June 19, 1999
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Sunyshore City, Sinnoh
Pokéform: ???
Starter: Tsunami
Status: Alive

Shaun Sapphire

Shaun Sapphire is the Player Character of SwiftSeraph.


Shaun is a tall, lanky young man. He has a soft, semi-feminine face and freckles. Hus hair is black and messy, and he has blue-grey eyes. His skin is pale naturally, but his face, neck, and hands are slightly tanned.

Shaun's standard "casual" outfit is an aquamarine t-shirt, a pair of dark-blue jeans, a light gray trench coat with a variety of pockets inside, a pair of black sneakers, a black backpack, gold-rimmed aviators, a pair of black fingerless gloves,and a black belt with six Poké Ball holders.

Shaun also has a pair of gray swim trunks and a matching rash guard, a pair of black basketball shorts and a black tanktop, and a set of black slip-on sandals.


Shaun's just an average kid from Sunyshore ,born to an Unovan father and a Sinnohan mother. Raised by them, his parents' Eeveelutions Amethyst and Blue Moon, and his godfather, he lived a happy content life, despite how...eventful life could be. He was homeschooled by his mother and Amethyst, who taught him many things, including Monese. On his tenth birthday, he began an apprenticeship with Marshall. As much as he enjoyed helping with the breeding and caregiving, he wanted more in his life. His wish came true on his thirteenth birthday when he receiveda Piplup egg, a Premier Ball, and 5 Poké Balls. After the egg hatched, he made it his goal to train and build a team and enter the Sinnoh Hall of Fame. He came close, but didn't get to challenge Cynthia. Undeterred, he and his team decided a change of scenery was needed and they would return to defeat the Elite Four, so they headed to Alola, where, unbeknownst to them, much lay in store...

Notable RP Events


He is witty, intelligent, and kind, yet also proud, snarky, argumentative and hot-tempered. He hates people who mistreat Pokémon and takes good care of his team. When he fights, he pushes his team to their limits, but makes sure to take care of them.




  • He considers himself friends with Sergey after meeting him in Alola.
  • He met Gogie in Alola; he and his team consider him a friend.
  • He has met Maggie and has talked to her a few times.

Notable Possesions

  • A rosewood-handled pocketknife from his parents.
  • A taser for the rare instance in which his tean cannot protect him.
  • A Sinnoh-model Pokedex, complete with National Dex upgrade.
  • An atlas with maps of all known regions along with smaller maps of territories and cities/towns.
  • A case of TMs and HM, including:
    • TypeNormal.gif Cut, Strength, Rock Climb, Swords Dance
    • TypeWater.gif Surf, Waterfall, Rain Dance
    • TypeFighting.gif Rock Smash
    • TypeFlying.gif Defog, Fly
    • TypeFire.gif Sunny Day
    • TypeIce.gif Ice Beam, Aurora Veil
  • A Nokia flip-phone.
  • A laptop, mostly used for internet browsing and gamimg.
  • An older model of Pokétch, akin to the D/P/Pt protagonist's.
  • A pair of smartglasses (aviators, of course) built by his father.
  • A Z-Ring with the following Z-Crystals:
    • Normalium-Z
    • Waterium-Z
    • Firium-Z
    • Grassium-Z
    • Flynium-Z
    • Electrium-Z
    • Ghostium-Z
    • Darkinium-Z
    • Pyschinium-Z
    • Pikanium-Z


  • Afraid of the things in the dark, needles, and death.
  • Speech color: Gray


Shaun and Tsunami, courtesy of Phazya.

Shaun's Team
On Hand :Jamie038aMini.pngCelena797Mini.pngTsuboi768Mini.pngMidna478Mini.png Woomy706Mini.pngMonsoon395Mini.pngQrow823Mini.png
PEFE HQ: Tsunami395Mini.pngAce398Mini.pngBeowulf475Mini.png
On Their Own: Jessica037Mini.png
Sapphire House, Sinnoh : Jasper0197Mini.pngLightning025Mini.png*Ruby407Mini.pngNero206Mini.png
Unova : Achille571Mini.png
AU : Typhoon395Mini.pngCreme Puff700Mini.pngSolarfax078Mini.pngMargaret242Mini.pngLuka448Mini.pngAveline542Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar