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The most recent major events in the roleplay can be found in the '''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/WeAreAllPokemonTrainers Recap Page]''', which might sometimes be a week or two out of date.
This section archives relevant events in the roleplay by date to assist in finding information, '''sorted in terms of Eastern Standard Time or UTC-5.'''
=Currently Playing=
Past major events in the roleplay can be found in the '''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/WeAreAllPokemonTrainers Recap Page]''', which is usually quite out of date.
* Orre
'''Compare and contrast the [[Arc Index]] and the [[Background Lore Index]].'''
* Conquest
* Return to the AU
= Archive =
'''Please remember to add a corresponding link to an event if possible.'''
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2012-06]]
=Currently Playing=
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2012-07]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2012-08]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2012-11]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2012-12]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-01]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-02]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-03]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-04]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-05]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-06]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-07]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-08]]
* [[WAAPT:Current events/2013-09]]
== September 1 ==
{{WAAPT:Currently Playing}}
* Jace reveals the existence of [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11511#287755 five artifacts] after Alice temporarily goes mad.
= Key =
* The [[Cipher]] high-rankers {{tvtpost|287844|have a meeting}}...
== September 2 ==
* [TS]: Time-shenanigan'd
* [AU]: Taking place in the [[AU]].
* [Meta]: Real-world event.
* Ammy's group enters the Wawku Shrine.
= Archive =
* Ammy obtains the final Celestial Brush power, Blizzard, and the Reflector Solar Flare.
== September 3 ==
* Sho's group manages to recover the Tundra Beads and receive the Pecha Pills, before being teleported to Wawku's Shrine, where they join up with Ammy's group.
* Ammy's group fights Nechku.
== September 4 ==
* [[Brandon]] and [[Sumac]] murder [[Takuma]] and his Scrafty for choosing Lucanus as Warlord over him.
* Ammy's group fights Lechku and Nechku.
== September 5 ==
* Gaston curses his fate while in a cell.
== September 6 ==
* [AU] While proceeding with various operations such as salvaging pieces of machinery, a Klink and other Trainees for the Owsla initiation exit the Pokéathlon Dome just in time to avoid a battle there.
* [AU] Maekrite is hit with community service and send off to get ready but gets into trouble with the guards again while trying to defend [[Teala]].
* [AU] Theta meets with Derek, General Guy, and Co. for the first time.
== September 7 ==
* Lucanus gets attacked by Ayame upon her meeting him again.
== September 8 ==
* Revy the Dunsparce meets Every and tells him his destiny is to kill Mezzo as per his ancestor Revy's dying curse.
== September 9 ==
* Aiura gets Lucanus' letter.
* Crow tells Verax stuff he shouldn't have about the J-Team and ends up getting attacked.
* [RtAU] Maekrite has to begin his {{evil|community service}}, on a bad foot when he tries to fight one of the guards over Teala.
* Ren has a prophetic dream.
== September 10 ==
* [[Shahinne]] (well, one of her clones) is revealed to have broadcast Ren's announcement of free Holon Transceivers via YouTube. Clever bird.
* Ammy's group gets into a fight with [[Secant]], with Tagg trying to stop Herbert from killing her and messing up the timestream.
== September 11 ==
* A thunderstorm happens
* Robin and Irrendolch are struck by lightning and evolve
* [[Zeal]] and [[Glavo]] are reunited.
== September 12 ==
* [[Zeal]], [[Jacob]], and [[Lanie]] leave for Orre.
* Ammy's group fights and defeats Yami, only for it to be revealed that Umbra was behind everything.
* Izumi completes her Warrior transformation
== September 13 ==
* Umbra explains that he was behind everything, and that Yami and Orochi had destroyed the Moon Tribe and Celestials trying to get their hands on the [[Lunar Pendant]].
* The Ark of Yamato crashes into the Infinity Tower, and Umbra fights Ammy's group and every available Warlord as [[Penumbra]], having absorbed his entire army into his person.
* [[Issun]] fully evolves into a Galavantula.
* Ren is absorbed by the Lunar Pendant to heal its and Ammy's wounds
== September 14 ==
* Penumbra is defeated, and the Warlords are sent back to their original locations.
* Giratina takes away the Celestial Brush from Ammy, though she keeps a divine spark.
* Umbra prepares to put himself into exile after Giratina strips him of his power. 
* Secant is released from Umbra's service, though she keeps her cannon.
* Duolis leaves Spectra and releases Amlaidh from Umbra's service.
* Eta [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11628#290677 blood curses] the Cain family.
== September 15 ==
* Umbra goes into several centuries of exile, but not before meeting Duolis, who is revealed to be pregnant.
* Ren and Silent {{tvtpost|290869|meet again}}, with [[Una]] and [[Sol]] meeting and sharing some Eeveelution moments.
* [[Jacob]] fights [[Titan (Galactic)|Titan]] and loses, the latter successfully snagging [[Regina]].
* Lucanus and Aiura have a talk with Herbert before calling it a night.
== September 16 ==
* Ammy's group enters a Dragnorian warehouse at the same time as Kaius and Amhlaidh.
* Herbert accidentally starts a fire in the warehouse, leading to Kaius getting pinned under a burning piece of roof.
* Ammy's group heads back inside to rescue them.
* Kaius unfortunately dies from his injuries, and Ammy takes Amhlaidh back to the present with them.
* One of The Fire Stones Sho gave Ammy falls out of her hammerspace and falls through Celebi's time portal; causing it to be temporally altered. It lands near Kitsune when she was still a Vulpix.
== September 17 ==
* Tagg talks to Crewe, Straw, and Herbert regarding what happened in Holon, and learns about what happened to Crow.
* This leads to him ranting at Crow once he finds out he told Verax J-Team secrets.
== September 18 ==
* Forte, Agitato, and Ryuku end up having to deal with an enraged shiny Rayquaza in Ignis.
* Tagg gets Infinity Judge from Ammy.
* Ren finds out from Ammy that the Blade of Kusanagi he inherited is the real thing. Ammy formally gives it Ren after holding it again.
== September 19 ==
* Herbert and Revan visit Lucanus' exhibit, where Sho pulls a dick move regarding Lucanus' legacy.
* Herbert tells Lina about how Kaius died, which she doesn't take well.
* Tagg and Eskay explain to Umbra about Snag Machines.
* Tagg and Straw meet Ivy for the first time.
* Amhlaidh wakes up in the hospital, and Umbra, Lina, and Ammy tell him what's going on.
== September 20 ==
* Ryuku links with the shiny Rayquaza.
* Forte evolves into a Jolteon.
* Herbert gets into a fight with Sakura and Lyuri.
== September 21 ==
* Ren and [[Tagg]] have a conversation in which the former learns more about the J-Team's past foes, and the latter gets a Holon Transceiver.
* Vierr and Crewe have a "wizard's duel".
* Cipher attacks an Internet cafe their scientist is hiding in, forcing the J-Team members there to fight them.
* Kyrie snags Hammurabi, Sabullo's Baltoy.
* Vektor evolves into a Haxorus after getting shot protecting Hatchet.
* Tagg and [[Carol (NPC)|Carol]] meet for the first time in nine years. 
* Tagg and Tokarev meet again after nine years as well, the Cipher Admin informing the J-Team about Cipher's knowledge about them before making a getaway.
== September 22 ==
* Carol has a conversation with Tagg and Tracer in which the former helps pull the bullets out of Vektor and gives Carol his number.
* Various J-Team members switch around their teams.
* DS and Lillith head over to Orre by boat.
* Dune heads to Orre by boat.
* [[Joseph]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11720#292989 performs The Glomp] to [[Herbert]].
* Several characters head to Orre by way of boat, blimp, or Ark of Yamato after a text chain started by Jacob.
* [[Silent]] heads off to either Goldenrod or PEFE HQ, preparing for a trip to Orre as well.
* [[Pi]], [[Joseph]], and [[Emma]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11729#293206 parachute] into Orre, admiring the view.
* [[Team Glacier's Airship]] is shot down and crashes in the Orre desert.
== September 23 ==
* Straw finds out that Taylor has been dead for five years
* Tagg finds out about how DS got captured.
* Nico and Maggie start traveling around as Wes and Rui cosplayers.
== September 24 ==
* Pi [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11750#293729 sets out for Pyrite Town, karaoke style]!
* Herbert gets attacked by Alexia and a shadowfied Duke.
* Verax and Kyrie show up to attack some J-Team members.
* Crewe and Straw make it to the Pokémon HQ Lab.
* Diane is snagged by Paula.
* [[Pi]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11759#293975 notices that something isn't right].
* Out in the desert, [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11760#293977 something stirs].
== September 25 ==
* [[Jenna]] is revealed to have joined Cipher, and snags [[Shadow]].
* [[Carol (PC)|Carol]] returns to the story.
* Tagg meets up with Prof. Krane again and gets the J-Team permission to use the Purification Chamber.
* [[Verax]] attacks Tagg in the woods, but he and his mons manage to fight him off decisively.
* [[Pi]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11774#294327 returns home in a fury].
== September 26 ==
* DS and Lillith hang out in Realgam Tower.
* Tagg goes out for a flight on Draca.
* Elise helps Straw realize that he needs to stop moping around and help Crewe.
* Aelia has Crewe undergo tests as a Shadow human.
* Verax and Paula test out Shadow Diane.
* Verax reports to [[Tokarev]] regarding his battle against Tagg.
* [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11794#294848 Two plans are set up, one good, one bad].
* Mammor starts planning to extort money from members of the J-team.
* Dune snags a Shadow Staravia and a Shadow Shedinja.
* Joseph begins a battle with Cipher Peon Albert
* Jenna is revealed to not actually be Cipher at all, and tries to purify Shadow.
== September 27 ==
* Every is kidnapped by a Cipher Peon and brainwashed with some sort of ringlet by Tokarev.
* Odin taunts Jacob into the two battling, resulting in Odin crushing Jacob with Regina.
* [[Sabullo]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11807#295166 meets] [[Susan]] and some [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11809#295215 bad things] happen.
* The OU versions of Minty and Blobble become Every's new Pokemon, with him triggering their AU memories
* [AU] [[Vektor]] {{tvtpost|295247|continues to look for Carol}}.
* DS, Tagg, and Arika meet Susanna, the Phenac Snob.
* Jenna returns Shadow to [[Forte]].
== September 28 ==
* {{tvtpost|295395|EGG HATCH!}} - {{spoiler|Umbra and Ammy's, [[Ra]]}}.
* River {{tvtpost|295428|evolves}} into a Nidorina.
* [[Pi]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370A74820100&page=11821#295513 sets a plan in motion].
* (AU)[[Carol (NPC)|Carol]] is revealed to have become an Electrike.
* Verax shows up in Agate, but makes a truce with the J-Team in order to gush at Ra.
== September 29 ==
* Sakura gets attacked by Verax in the forest and manages to get him to flee by stealing his gun.
{{WAAPT:Events Calendar}}
* DS and Tagg visit Herbert in the hospital.
* Maggie and Nico fight and manage to defeat Paula, but she manages to prevent her mons from getting Snagged, including Diane.
== September 30 ==
'''Previously On:''' [[WAAPT:Current events/2024-09|September 2024]]
* DS and Lillith visit the latter's house to see her mother.
== October 1 ==

Latest revision as of 22:55, 30 September 2024

This section archives relevant events in the roleplay by date to assist in finding information, sorted in terms of Eastern Standard Time or UTC-5.

Past major events in the roleplay can be found in the Recap Page, which is usually quite out of date.

Compare and contrast the Arc Index and the Background Lore Index.

Please remember to add a corresponding link to an event if possible.

Currently Playing


  • [TS]: Time-shenanigan'd
  • [AU]: Taking place in the AU.
  • [Meta]: Real-world event.


Currently Playing
Calendar 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015

2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020
2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025
2026 - 2027 - 2028 - 2029 - 2030

More Information Arc Index

Previously On: September 2024

October 1