Derek "Dune" Morton

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Name: Derek Morton
Nickname/Alias: Dune
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Age: 21
Height: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Birthday: September 21st
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Phenac City, Orre
Pokéform: unrevealed
Starter: Galvani
Status: Alive

A native of Orre, Derek Morton was more at home in the barrens around his home of Phenac City than in the town itself. He would lose himself exploring every tiny nook and cranny trying to find nothing in particular. This earned him his nickname, as people in town compared the young man to a "walking sand dune". Aside from his school studies, he poured over books about ancient history and maps, most of which he found to be woefully vague or incomplete. Deciding that he wanted to fill in the blanks himself, Dune signed onto the first of Silph Co.'s many expeditions. Providing much needed muscle (literally and figuratively) and knowledge of the local landscape, Dune found himself rehired time and again. He eventually saved enough money to obtain all the supplies he needed, and bought passage from Gateon Port to new and interesting place.

Dune is currently in Unova, having heard legends of the Giant Chasm.


Dune has short brown hair and brown eyes. His skin is very tan from the amount of time he spends in the sun. He stands at about 5'10", with a thin frame that makes most clothes in his size category a little loose.

Dune dresses for practicality. He favors clothes that are light and loose when traveling through the desert or mountains, but will wear thicker clothing at high altitudes and in colder climates. He prefers light earth tones, generally tan or brown. He can always be found wearing his pair of custom orange Go-Goggles, and will usually have a tan scarf wrapped around his neck.

Dune's Team

Big Dom

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