Pokémon With No Entries (2015)
Revision as of 18:12, 6 January 2016 by Corvus Atrox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Pokémon Evolutionary Families with no entries === * Rattata * Zubat * Fatfetch'd * Voltorb * Happiny * Tangela * Kangaskhan * Goldeen * Magby * Tauros * Articuno * Zapdos...")
Pokémon Evolutionary Families with no entries
- Rattata
- Zubat
- Fatfetch'd
- Voltorb
- Happiny
- Tangela
- Kangaskhan
- Goldeen
- Magby
- Tauros
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Mewtwo
- Sentret
- Ledyba
- Unown
- Wynaut
- Gligar
- Shuckle
- Corsola
- Delibird
- Phanpy
- Miltank
- Celebi
- Zigzagoon
- Shroomish
- Slakoth
- Nosepass
- Meditite
- Plusle
- Minun
- Volbeat
- Spinda
- Zangoose
- Baltoy
- Chingling
- Clamperl
- Relicanth
- Luvdisc
- Regirock
- Regice
- Registeel
- Kyogre
- Groudon
- Rayquaza
- Jirachi
- Deoxys
- Pachirisu
- Buneary
- Glameow
- Stunky
- Hippopotas
- Finneon
- Heatran
- Regigigas
- Cresselia
- Pansage
- Pansear
- Blitzle
- Tympole
- Darumaka
- Maractus
- Minccino
- Gothita
- Deerling
- Emolga
- Foongus
- Frillish
- Alomomola
- Bouffalant
- Heatmor
- Cobalion
- Terrakion
- Virizion
- Reshiram
- Zekrom
- Landorus
- Keldeo
- Meloetta
- Bunnelby
- Skiddo
- Furfrou
- Spritzee
- Dedenne
- Xerneas
- Zygarde
- Diancie
- Hoopa
- Volcanion
Pokémon Evolutionary Branches with no entries
- Hitmonlee
- Bellossom
- Hitmontop
- Dustox
- Wormadam