Louis Macraul

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Louis Macraul, informally called Lou is the disowned older child of Paul and Anna Macraul and a "former" scion of the Macraul family. Previously a cab operator residing in Galar, he has since become a marketing executive for a company called Tronci Motors. On the surface, he seems more of a mundane collector who focuses on [Funko Pops]; true to form, he also collects virus and glitchy specimens from the porygon line, which he keeps in a specialized computer system called a virus aquarium.


Louis is a lanky man in his mid-20s with a friendly face and a rather timid expression. He keeps his green hair shaggy and short, and often wears it under a newsboy cap. His usual attire is a coarse-fabric buttondown paired with a checkered tie. He also wears a pair of Lennon-glasses, which he usually also places in his head as an accessory.


In general, Lou keeps himself distant from most of his family. No longer the posh rich kid with a silver spoon in his mouth, the sore young Macraul really wants nothing to do anymore with most of his family, and true reconciliation with his parents is out of the question.

Louis was disowned by his parents after a major disagreement in his early 20s, though his relationship with them had been strained at best beforehand. The nature of the events that had Lou disinherited were unclear, and being so much as reminded of it makes him grumpy and sad. What is known is that while he has a special pit of hate for his parents, he also has it out for his Uncle Lowell, who had once acted as his surrogate father.

He has few allies among his family, most notably his cousin Abilene and his younger brother Gaspard, the latter he claims he mostly raised. His parents and him apparently came into an agreement regarding Gaspard's continued studies in Galar. Gaspard's need for a family member to legally handle his stay in Galar was what prompted the uneasy attempt at rapprochement. At present, he receives a stipend from his parents to take care of him, on top of his now-substantial salary. Prior to that, he had been in and out of poverty, often venting his frustrations to an exasperated Abilene whenever he could.

Louis emigrated to Galar and eventually bought a house there. His new job allowed him to pay off his mortgage. Before that, he took business studies in Angela. Since he became a cab driver, he had been sympathetic toward his fellows and became a member of a union.


Even before adulthood, Lou had an independent streak. He had a tendency to do things by himself instead of relying on servants or his indeedee to do it for him and he boasts of largely raising Gaspard and acting more like an actual parent to him than any other relative prior to their separation. However, he was still a child of privilege; he didn't adapt quite as smoothly to poverty, but his indeedee and his continued contact with relatives like Abilene helped him cope with the rather painful transition.

Personal details

  • He prefers his name pronounced the Galarian way (loo-wis) rather than how his parents would've pronounced it (loo-wee), as a form of protest against them.
  • Gaspard has made offers to buy him "actual action figures" to collect. He has repeatedly turned down this offer.

Louis' team


Noteworthy Virus Aquarium Residents



  • Otis is hinted to be a dimensionally displaced Myotismon.
    • Lou's aesthetic, in turn, is heavily inspired by a Digimon anime Goggle Boy.
  • Herbie is drawn from the name of the main character from the film series The Love Bug. This in turn is a reference to the ILOVEYOU virus that made rounds in 2000.