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Frieden Line.PNG

Frieden is one of the two main player characters of TolstoyDuo, the other one being Krieg.


Frieden is a 21 year old man with blond hair slicked back on half of the side and black rimmed glasses. He wears a white Aether scientist jacket and white pants and boots.


The whole incarnation of the concept 'Asshole', Frieden is someone who is generally known to be unpleasant. He has shown times where he was nice, but that is almost always overshadowed by all the unpleasant times. It seems that only his Pokemons and Krieg was by his side throughout his life.


Krieg is his vitriolic best bud

Not known to have a healthy relationship with anyone. period.

Further Details

Age: 21

Birthday: May 19th, 1996

Starter Pokemon: Al the Alakazam

Pokeform: Beldum

Favorite Colour: White

Likes: Knowledge, Pokemons, Krieg, Being right, Being smart, Breaking down prides and beliefs of other people, rubbing in the fact that he is right and can break people's ego and life beliefs, obedient people, his computer, people believing the fact that life is nothing but a joke, rare resources, Foolish irrational thinking that lead to downfall of other people's plans, Smart people that thinks remotely like him.

Dislikes: Stupidity, Uncooperative people, outdated scientific information, people spreading those outdated scientific information, his father, his mother, annoying people, Gladion, Ultra Beasts, Boredom, Optimistic People, Boredom, Hard work, the word 'Work Hard', people thinking that they're special, Needless chaos that involves him, Foolish irrational thinking that lead to downfall of his plans, Smart people that's too much like him.

Frieden's Team

Bad Company
The Rock


Frieden was originally meant to be a one- off extra named 'Man in White'. However soon developed into the character we know and love today.

Frieden's name is ironic as it is German for peace, however Frieden is the one who seems to start conflicts, and is generally snide and assholic.

Frieden's first 4 pokemons can be seen as counterparts to Krieg's team.

In Page page 20485 it is revealed that Frieden keeps his cloned organs in his lab.