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The Shuppet (also known as Shuppet Prime and Lunatic Shuppet) is a recurring adversary of Amanita, Onion, Pianis, Xakk, and Marmalade.


Shuppet Prime looks in all respects like a normal Shuppet. However, he wears a top hat and occasionally a monocle, and carries a cane.


Shuppet Prime is completely insane, having no grasp on temporal progression, the emotions of other beings, or basic logic. He has a tendency to insert meaningless French words and phrases into his statements, once making an entire speech in French gibberish.

He also has a darker side, at one point threatening to tear Xakk and Marmalade limb from limb. During his last appearance, he is also notably more intentionally cruel, pretending to kidnap Onion and attempting to ransom him for his cane.

Abilities in Battle

Despite being only a first evolution, Shuppet Prime is extremely powerful. The Shuppet has explained that his cane amplifies his abilities when in the Chasm (the Shuppet's original base of operations, and the location of the Zerg Rush), though even without it he is far beyond a normal Shuppet.

While Shuppet Prime never once used any moves that would be logically known by a Shuppet, the cane gave him access to a number of different techniques, such as Sheer Cold, Hurricane, and an unknown Electric attack capable of bypassing type immunity (it seems possible that these moves were always in his repertoire, and only increased in power by the cane). It could also be used to deliver immensely powerful blows, and to reflect incoming attacks. It also had the curious effect of causing all stat changes to raise Shuppet's stats.

The Shuppet's main ability, however, was the summoning of enemies. He had a penchant for enemies reminiscent of Starcraft, mostly those of the Zerg race (though Protoss Carriers also made an appearance at one point).

Without the cane, while this ability seems to have been lost, Shuppet Prime could augment existing lifeforms, such as growing a trio of Shuppet to tremendous size and granting them abnormal powers.

The Shuppet also has the ability to teleport, both with and without the cane, and access to powerful Shadow Balls and Thunder Attacks. He also has several moves he should likely be unable to learn, such as Lava Plume.


The Shuppet's first appearance was during the second PMD arc, where he had posted a mission to retrieve his potted plant (which, oddly, emitted Lati@s-shaped fireworks). When Onion and Amanita discovered this mission, the Shuppet greeted them, striking both several times with his cane and inviting them to lunch, where he left them a note detailing the nature of his mission. Upon the retrieval of his potted plant, Shuppet Prime thanked them and left.

Later, Onion, Amanita, and Pianis in varying combinations visited a large chasm in which they were attacked by a massive Zerg Rush. It later developed that the Shuppet had been behind this, at which point he began to be viewed as a foe rather than just an annoyance.

The next occurrence of the Shuppet was on a mission undertaken by Xakk and Marmalade, to save a group of Houndoom from a Shuppet. After defeating a Shuppet named Jimmy that had borrowed Shuppet Prime's cane, they fought the Shuppet himself. Despite Shuppet Prime's incredible power, Marmalade and Xakk managed to dispel enough of his attacks to get in a few hits and disarm Shuppet Prime of his cane (and as such his power). The Shuppet then dissolved away, leaving behind his accoutrements.

The Shuppet's final appearance was a while after his "death", when he appeared to Amanita in Treasure Town to inform him that he had kidnapped Onion (false). While Amanita doubted this at first, a falsified video of proof sent her to a volcano (Dark Crater) along with Pianis to recover him. This was perhaps the most brutal of the Shuppet's challenges, as despite his reduced power, he managed to create a number of giant Shuppet, as well as setting up traps (many involving the volcano itself) to assault and taunt Pianis and Amanita. Upon reaching their goal, they discovered that the kidnapped Pawniard was not, in fact, Onion, they tried to leave, but were once again accosted by the Shuppet, and managed to defeat him. He exploded into fireworks, and has not been seen since.


The Shuppet considers himself a close friend of Onion, Amanita, Pianis, Xakk, and Marmalade, despite having assaulted, battered, kidnapped, and attempted the murder of all of them at various times. Needless to say, none of them reciprocate his feelings.

The Shuppet also commands a small army of additional Shuppet. As they view his "speeches" as persuasive and dramatic, it is likely that they are similarly insane.