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Stephanie Hawthorn is the only daughter of Professor Conroy Hawthorn. Originally from Unova, she is currently taking up her paleontology studies at a program in Angela, where she does most of her field work.

Family History

From her father's side, Stephanie is a direct descendant of the de Aubépine family, a minor noble house in Kalos who traced their ancestry to knights from the [Hundred Years War], Sieur Guiscard de Aubépine, and his wife, Lady Millicent(who was also a knight), both of whom fought under the rallying banner of the Undying Knight. Her mother Audrey was [African American], who died when Stephanie was still very young.


Stephanie had lived with her parents and the ghosts of her ancestors since she was a little girl in a large loft in downtown Castelia City. A born scientist like her father, her interests came with a wanderlust and she took the opportunity to travel and learn by taking up part of her graduate studies in Angela. Although she is often away on digs, she occasionally comes home to Unova, often to help her father cope with the weird and wacky world of lycanthropy. She was once classmates with Tommy Petersen; they shared a class in Monese.


Despite the stresses that came to her early in life, she has taken on a chipper attitude and has follow in her parents their footsteps to become a scientist. A friendly, gregarious person, she is rather outdoorsy and athletic despite identifying as a geek girl, spending part of her time rock climbing and hiking in the wilderness while other days loafing around the house playing board games. She is less sedentary than her father and enjoys traveling to new places. She is also a fashionista and is well acquainted with what's trendy, timely, and timeless in male and female casual and formal wear. She likes to think of herself as a fashion-savvy adventurer paleontologist.

Much like her father, she also has a passing interest in more recent history and archeology. Although usually very respectful, she has a sharp tongue and is unafraid to call anyone (including--nay, especially--her family) out of their BS when she sees the need for it.

Stephanie's Pokémon

Dame Millicent


  • She draws some inspiration from Kelly Malcolm from the The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
  • In his monform, her father Conroy counts as a part of her Pokémon roster.
  • Like her father, her Pokémon are themed for the past and is based on fossils and artifacts.
  • Her two non-familial Pokémon are themed for adventurers:
    • Thatch is named for Milo Thatch, the main character of the dieselpunk Disney adventure film Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
    • Lara is named for Lara Croft, protagonist of the Tomb Raider franchise.
  • Much like her husband, Sieur Guiscard, Dame Millicent returns from the dead as a chandelure and has lived with his descendants ever since.
    • Sieur Guiscard has claimed that Millicent herself was a knight, which while rare was not unheard of both in-universe and occasionally in real life.
  • She is hinted to be somewhat attracted to Tommy, whom she is friends with.
  • Millicent often demands that she be addressed by her knightly title, and that Stephanie be acknowledged by her family's noble titles by her colleagues and coworkers.