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Revision as of 13:21, 18 January 2020

Galen Patrick Albright, is a schlocky amateur filmmaker and a Contact Communications Intern from North Mandarin Island in the Orange Archipelago. He is Shutter's younger brother.


Galen is a baby-faced young man at around 18 years of age. He frequently wears light, casual clothing and carries around a messenger bag that contains various implements, including cameras and camera accessories. He wears a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. His T-shirts are often statement tees that have quirky, geeky messages on them.


Galen has two modes. Outside of work, he is happy-go-lucky with a sarcastic streak, almost typical for a kid his age. He is sociable, glib, and kind of jokey. Around high-stress environments, he turns into a sullen, serious, and focused shadow of his former self. This work-mode helps him finish things with ruthless precision. He is a serial Romeo and flirts with anyone he finds remotely attractive. His mental processes are reminiscent of a sitcom teenage hustler, with a sense of deviousness and cunning that comes with it. He is a very intelligent young man; he skipped a few grades and is a year away from finishing his bachelor's at 18.


Galen was born to Ritchie and Rachel Albright while they were still very busy with the dismantling of Lawrence III's sky castle. Although his mother briefly took time off to have him, he was eventually left in the care of his grandparents as his brother was not long after. He never truly bonded with his parents and is less affected by their general absence. His relationship with his brother had been a rocky one, which came to head one day when he, at the age of 6, broke one his brother's lenses after being told not to touch them. Gavin responded by breaking his favorite toy, a Gligarman Action figure. They've shared a rivalry ever since. Gavin did eventually restore his old toy, which was the first step in their still-tenuous reconciliation.


Galen is very close to his grandfather and the two share a rather tight, friendly bond. He had only recently started reconciling with Gavin, who he had shared a longstanding rivalry with. He has next to no real relationship with his parents, which often means he is puzzled by Shutter's resentment of their absence. He also latched onto Tommy Petersen, then his brother's assistant, as a substitute big brother figure.


Galen's Pokémon