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Revision as of 09:43, 10 January 2021

The Walking Mountain is an Alakagross city created from a hollowed out actual mountain that can travel on its own, hence the name. The brainchild of the Artifier-Lord Kazgarak during the time of the Alakagross Empire in tandem with the governor of the greater area that would one day comprise Orre and Angela, nuclear power was considered too weak, so it was initially powered by using the legendary artifact known as the Griseous Orb with an electrical current running through it in order to create Zero Point Energy. Due to the Cult of Giratina being near-nonexistent at the time, and Giratina themselves having limited influence on the mortal plane, they were able to do this without issue. The city's true problems started, however, when the Orb got removed due to a wormhole anomaly.

While considered the rough equivalent of the Titanic in terms of expense and ego, following the cataclysmic end to the Alakagross Civil War, it is the only known major city of the Alakagross to still be inhabited in modern times.