Yukari Kanase

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Name: Yukari Kanase
Nickname/Alias: N/A
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Age: 17
Height: 5'6ft
Ethnicity: Kantonese(?)
Birthday: Septmember 13th, 2007
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: 105900
Home: Kanto(?)
Pokéform: N/A
Starter: Sprigatito
Status: Alive
Yukari old model.png

-*sigh* "You really are a interesting group of people."-


Yukari is serious regardless of what she's doing. She can be annoyed over whenever people don't know basic Pokémon informations and tricks. She is also a bit stiff when interacting with others, as she sometimes get a bit ahead of herself. Despite this, underneath all her seriousness and stiff lies an kind, yet socially awkward girl who is just trying her best. She believes that her naming skills are bad, despite what others have say about it. She rarely gets anger, but there are times where she does (ex. Bad trainers abusing their Pokémon). However, regardless of whenever she's angry or not, she sometimes gets a head of herself before talking to others about it, something Joker chides her for.


Before attending Naranja y Uva Academy

Nothing is known about Yukari's life prior to being a student at Naranja y Uva Academy other than the fact that she's been a Pokémon trainer for seven years with Joker. While she doesn't mention about her parents, she does note that she have caretakers from Kanto that took care of her when she was, in her own words, small.

The Treasure Hunt And The Fiery Bunny Badge Bandit

Yukari attend the class and was informed that the Treasure hunt is starting today. Realizing that it might take a few days away from her dorms during this, she went and bought an tent and a few camping supplies. Explaining to her Pokémons that she is doing an treasure hunt and decided to do gym battles. She ended up using Kiel for the Cortondo Gym and earned her first badge. However, an Scorbunny stole the badge from her and attempts to runaway from her, thus she and her mons ended up chasing him up to the Poké center and lost him. Yukari, Joker, and Forte search for the Scorbunny while Kiel ended eavesdropping. Yukari and the rest of her mons found Kiel and Scorbunny, where she learned that not only Scorbunny was ordered to steal other gym badges, despite not wanting to, but also been abused by his trainer. This led to Yukari taking him and the rest of the mons to the Poké center and confronting his trainer in the library alone. There, she learns that the trainer is a bit power greedy and tells him that she despise trainers that abuse their Pokémon and is going to report him to the adults.

However, it turns out that the rumors about him owning an Garchomp are true and was gonna to hurt Yukari until Forte cast Confuse Ray on the Pokémon, giving Yukari a chance to run and escape. While Yukari is thankful that Forte save her, Yukari points out to Joker that she can handle things like this by herself and will be reporting to police, despite the fact she shouldn't be doing this all by herself. Scorbunny asks her if she wants to be his trainer, much to her shock. Despite the fact she has two fire pokémon on her team, she decided to let him join in as a part of her team. However, the moment was interrupted when his trainer and the garchomp are trying to open the door, causing the Yukari and co to flee to Cortondo where Kiel is located.

Yukari and co meet up with Kiel before Scorbunny's trainer caught up to them. Decided to battle him with Forte, she and Forte won the battle. However, the trainer attempt to held Kiel in hostage and will give him back if she gives Scorbunny back. At first, Yukari seem to give his Scorbunny back, but only for her to kick him and grab Kiel while attempting to run from him, only for her to trip and get step by the trainer. Suddenly, Tagg appear and commend the trainer to stop what he's doing, causing him to get scared and run for his life. Yukari thanks him as he introduce himself, which Yukari introduce herself back. Thinking that if she join the group he's in, she asks him to see if she can join his group and let's him know he can give her an answer later and leaves, oblivious to the fact that Tagg has his contact information out for her due to being busy.

Small Luck Camping

Yukari and her team are having a picnic to celebrate that Scorbunny have joined the team. While it's reveal that Yukari is well-known to having a hard time on naming Pokémon, she was planning on using Scorbunny for Artazon Gym, but remembers that he had some bad memories related to his old trainer, so she opt to using Kiel again, much to Forte's worry. She sets up the tent with her team for the night. Unknown to her, Scorbunny couldn't sleep and Kiel was going to tell him a story, but an titan Klawf appeared before them and decide to battle it so it doesn't wake her up. However, due to Klawf's roar, Yukari and the rest woke up and notice that Kiel and Scorbunny aren't with them, causing them to look for those two. When they found them, they were battling the titan Klawf. Joker ended up saving them by using Flower Trick on Klawf. There, it was reveal that Scorbunny and Kiel was battling Klawf because they don't want it to wake up Yukari, which she appreciates the thought. While Scorbunny went into the cave for the Herba Mystic, Yukari decided to name him Kokichi after the story she recalls from her childhood that her caretakers used to read to her.

Forte Those Open Skies

Yukari decided to bring Kokichi and Kiel to the next gym in Artzaton while Joker and Forte waits for Tagg. Yukari earned the badge and decided to celebrate by eating at one of the restaurants near by. As Yukari realize, not only Tagg didn't show up, but he was holding out his contact information while she was too busy in her farewells. Kokichi changes the topic to going to the next gym to battle, but Yukari points that none of them are ground type and they'll get paralyzed by Iono's Pokémon. Kiel suggests that they'll just have a picnic tomorrow, something they all being excited for while being oblivious to the fact that Forte reveals to Kokichi that she is insecure about how Ceruledges being seen as "evil".

Battle Strategy

Yukari remains calm in battle unless stated otherwise. She's well verse in a Pokémons' weaknesses and advantages, she uses them to her advantage. However, while she does use the advantages, she has a few tricks up to her sleeves, such as using a tm for a Pokémon that can use and items that will helped in battle. When not battling, she thinks carefully while making sure she takes the best option out there.

Notable Items

  • Rotom phone (Her case is an Ghost-type!)
  • 2 out of 5 Herba Mystica (Sweet & Bitter obtained)

Gym badges

  • Bug Gym Badge (Stolen, but is getting back)
  • Grass Gym Badge


