Hunter's Guild

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The Hunter's Guild is an international criminal organization dedicated to sorting and protecting Pokémon poachers from legal punishment and ensuring they find work. The Guild makes use of secure plants and subterfuge to ensure that they are appraised of legal action so they may direct the attention of the authorities away from them. The guild's entire existence is to fill the need for the illicit trade of stolen Pokémon and other contraband items like weapons. Besides ensuring that their Hunters have steady employment, they have no grand plans.

The Guild has an internal hierarchy, with the most powerful Hunters having formed a triarch just known colloquially as "The Big 3". The Hunters are rated on a top down scale, the lowest hunters are in Rungs 200-300, while the top hunters are in Rungs 10. The Big 3 have a controlling stake on the group and serve as a near co-equal branch of its leadership.


Most of the day-to-day decisions of the group are handled by the Council of 5, a shadowy group of arch-criminals and veteran hunters. Major decisions, meanwhile are decided on by the Big 3. The Big 3 exist solely as a power-sharing bloc between the highest-ranked hunters in the guild, Sphinx, Delta, and Hunter J.

Known Members

Big Three

  • Hunter J (1)
  • Delta (2)
  • Sphinx (3)

Council of Five

  • Castle
  • Lock
  • Vault
  • Storm
  • Club

Rank and File Members

  • Malacostra
  • Kitbash
  • Salem
  • Domino
  • Scratch

Expelled Members

  • Banshee

Standards and Practices

The Hunter's Guild look down upon entities like Pokefutures, who they view as butchers and madmen. They've since created an extensive blacklist of similar organizations.


  • The Hunter's Guild as an organization is based on the Poacher trainer class unique to the Diamond and Pearl animé. Hunter J herself is an animé-exclusive villain.