Oracle Mask

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The Oracle Mask is an artifact originally created by Luo Ya, an ancestor of Aislinn and Daydre's. It heightens the user's Auric abilities at the cost of causing them to enter a bloodthirsty rage. It appears to contain the soul of Yan Yu.

Currently in the possession of Daydre.


The Mask was created at some point far in the past by an ancestor of Aislinn and Daydre's. Daydre's ancestor, in a period of grief, created the mask as a means of revenge after her partner Zoroark Yan Yu was killed in battle. The mask contains ash composed of some of the Zoroark's bones, among other things.

The mask, following its creator's demise, then spent a number of years being passed down and protected by her descendants, primarily the line that became Aislinn's due to their lack of Aura sensitivity.

From 2019 to November of 2021 it was in the possession of Morata Macraul, who had Aislinn's mother assassinated in order to steal it. Following a raid on Morata's mansion the mask was placed in Tagg's safekeeping as a precaution, only for it to be taken by an enthralled Daydre in late March 2023.