Gavroche is Mitchell Rhodes' Raticate. As a Rattata, he was the first Pokemon Mitchell caught.
His current appearance is one common to Kantonian-region Raticate, despite being born and raised in Unova.
Gav is cheerful, extroverted, and very cunning for his age. He was separated from his family at an early age, and he only managed to survive life in Castelia's streets and sewers by scavenging for food and seizing whatever opportunities he could. The presence of a human that got lost in the sewers was one such opportunity, which he used by guiding the human to the surface in exchange for treats. One thing led to another, however, and Gav ended up allowing himself to become the human's starter Pokemon. If anyone asked him why, he'd say he did it to get free food and shelter, but he'd admit to himself that this human might just become something he never really had before: a friend.
- Met: Castelia City Sewers (Rescued Mitchell from a Grimer/Zubat attack)
- Nickname Gav
- Ability: Guts
- Hasslemon handle: cunningCutpurse (CC)
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
Equal signs surr=o=unding =O=’s, ev=o=king the image =o=f a rat’s n=o=se and whiskers---. Ends sentences with three hyphens, mimicking his physical tail---.
Known Moves
Quick Attack, Super Fang
Bite, Sucker Punch, Crunch
- Gavroche is named after the boy thief from Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables".
- His nickname for Mitchell is "Boss".
- Elements of his personality and history are inspired by the playable thieves from Octopath Traveler I and II, Therion and Throné Anguis.