Mon Census 2019

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A census of the Pokémon we have in the RP as of August 2020.

Discussion Announcement.



  • Don't add characters that are not your own, unless specifically requested, to avoid confusion.
  • Count mons for whom any of the following applies:
    • They appear in an average or more than average percentage of your posts.
    • They are/were integral to any arc, plot, or subplot since your entry into the RP.
    • They are planned to be or are currently part of some sort of event/appearance in the RP.
    • They are important enough to your character that they warrant notice and representation of the species as a whole.

(For the most part, any PC owned mon would likely count toward one of these, these criteria are more to say 'don't add every NPC you've ever played' than anything)

The final tally will be compiled on the page and categorized by species and morph. Pokémon Lines that are Predominantly Male or Female are only counted if a species has at least two representatives whose gender is noted in the census.

OU Data

  • Pokémon Evolutionary Families with no entries: Here
  • Pokémon Evolutionary Families that are mostly Male: Here
  • Pokémon Evolutionary Families that are mostly Female: Here
  • Most Popular Pokémon Evolutionary Family:
  • Most Popular Pokémon Evolutionary Family (Besides Eevee):
  • Most Popular Single-line Pokémon Evolutionary Family:
  • Most Popular Pokémon:
  • Most Popular Starter Evolutionary Family:
  • Most Popular Non-Evolving Pokémon Evolutionary Family:
  • Most Popular Eeveelution:
  • Most Popular Pseudo-Legendary:
  • Number of Players Counted:
  • Most Pokemon for a Given Player:
  • Average Number of Pokemon Per Player:
  • Number of Trainers Counted:
  • Most Pokemon for a Given Trainer:
  • Average Number of Pokemon Per Trainer: