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Species: Bisharp

Gender: Male

Nature: Brave

Ability: Defiant

Obtained: Was found in Iron Island when Vrang was at Canalave City

General Description A Bisharp with a penchant for stabbing and fighting, he is also somewhat hotheaded

Bio He's a somewhat eager Pokemon when it comes to battles, he also has a love Rock Sculptures, and routinely makes them. He is also a caring Pokemon and when he sees a Pokemon that's injured or lost, he always helps them.

Known Moves

TypeDark.gif Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Hone Claws, Payback

TypeSteel.gif Iron Head, Metal Claw, Metal Burst

TypeFighting.gif Low Sweep, Brick Break

TypeBug.gif X-Scissor,

TypePsychic.gif Psycho Cut

TypeRock.gif Stone Edge, Rock Polish

TypeNormal.gif Slash, Swords Dance, Protect

TypeElectric.gif Thunder Wave

Vrang's Team
On Hand:Magda229Mini.pngReggie461Mini.pngSnappy0635Mini.pngWrappy073Mini.pngShogun214Mini.pngAzuros217Mini.pngMiner246Mini.pngMr.Pisces130Mini.pngLao-Shan112Mini.pngShroom591Mini.png
AU : Reggie461Mini.pngRocky248Mini.pngCapone430Mini.pngSlashy625Mini.png
As last seen in: Cianwood, Johto