Colton's Sylveon

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Sylveon is Colton's Sylveon, and the 3rd he ever acquired.


Sylveon is the team’s resident Little Miss Snarker, dropping witty remarks at every chance she gets. She carries herself with an almost unbearable smugness, but knows when to shut up.

Despite being fae, she's more invested in the aesthetic rather than any fae sorcery. She is kind at first glance and loves pastel color palettes, but after enough time with her that she's confident you'll put up with things she delivers jabs, mostly friendly ones as she's not evil. Just a troll, a prankster, a gremlin.

This has been changing recently, however, as she finds more fae elements drifting into the J-Team, and finds following in their footsteps easier and easier.

Though the reason that she snarks so much in the first place comes from her abandonment from her mother back when her first Trainer was trying to get a "perfect" Eevee.


  • Birthday: July 17, 2010
  • Age: 13
  • Met: Straiton City [Trade]
  • Ability: Pixilate
  • Held Item: Quick Claw
  • Favorite Move: Hyper Voice
  • Nature: Sassy
  • Ball: Great

Battle Strategy

Sylveon, as the team’s resident cleric, doesn’t really fight all that much, only doing so passionately on few occasions or Single Battles. The Quick Claw she carries often gives her the first move, which she uses to great effect almost every single time, raising an appropriate screen or attacking a weakened opponent.

Her favorite method is to hide behind dual screens and assault her opponent from behind cover.

Known Techniques

  • TypeFairy.gif Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast
  • TypeGhost.gif Shadow Ball
  • TypeNormal.gif Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Swift, Wish
  • TypePsychic.gif Calm Mind, Light Screen, Reflect


  • According to the Hall of Fame, Sylveon’s first trainer was named Helena.
  • According to Absent Coder, Sylveon sounds like the Sylveon from the series Sylveon Trolls.
  • Her human form is said to resemble Paramore singer Hayley Williams.
  • She adopted the name “Max Strider” for her human form, a reference to both the video game Sam & Max and the webcomic Homestuck'.