Jonathan Kanegawa

From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 22:05, 7 June 2015 by Bacon Maniac (talk | contribs)
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Name: Jonathan Kanegawa
Nickname/Alias: Jack
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Age: 20's
Height: Unknown
Ethnicity: Mixed (father is Asian, mother is White)
Birthday: Unknown
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Virbank City, Unova
Pokéform: N/A
Starter: Overkill
Status: Alive


Somewhat tall (between 6'1 and 6'2) and has somewhat short, black hair. He usually is clean-shaven and is in pretty good shape, mostly from swimming a lot. He likes wearing shorts (they are comfy and easy to wear) and often has a t-shirt on. His current one says "I went to the Kanto Safari Zone, and all I caught was this stupid shirt!" He also wears a backpack with plenty of stuff inside and a belt on which he keeps his pokeballs.


Jack tries to be friendly and amiable. He is fairly introverted and can be rather awkward around people he doesn't know, but he makes an effort to be friends. However, he apologizes for minor things too often. He has a good sense of humor; however, his jokes can be a little difficult to understand sometimes. He also sometimes has difficulty putting his thoughts into words. He likes things done right and isn't against taking charge when he needs to. He doesn't like to start arguments or fights, but he is not afraid to defend himself and others, even strangers. During battles he tries to think strategically, but he can get a bit too competitive, which can lead to rash decisions.


Jack was born and raised in Virbank City, Unova. His mother native to Unova, and his father moved there from Kanto. His mother always tried to discourage his interest in Pokemon, but he always was fascinated by them. His father was a daycare man in Kanto, so whenever they took a trip to visit him, he got to see all these new and exotic Pokemon, and he loved it. His grandfather ended up giving him two eggs (on separate occasions) which were left to him by people who didn't want them. However, he was unable to fully pursue his love of Pokemon until his later teen years. Other than the Pokemon his mother tentatively let him keep, he never really had many friends. He spent most of his childhood with his Pokemon or his schoolwork.


Jack's Team
On Hand : Runt0063Mini.pngGroot095Mini.pngPenny015Mini.pngLefty141Mini.png
Boxed : N/A
As last seen in: Inside the Magic Mirror