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Electro is Forte's Jolteon.


  • Age: 3
  • Birthday: May 11
  • Nature: Hasty
  • Ability: Volt Absorb
  • Met: Route 3 (Egg)
  • Ball: Poké
  • Favorite move: Thunder
  • Likes: Playing, zapping things
  • Dislikes: Anything girly


Electro is a tomboy who likes to run around and zap things with electricity. She is fairly hyperactive, a trait she shares with Fireball.

Abilities in Battle

Electro is the fastest mon on Forte's team and has a variety of different attacks. While she mainly uses speical attacks, she also knows some physical ones. She can use Rain Dance to benefit both herself and Marine.

Known moves:

  • TypeElectric.gif Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thundershock
  • TypeWater.gif Rain Dance
  • TypePsychic.gif Agility
  • TypeGrass.gif Hidden Power
  • TypeGhost.gif Shadow Ball
  • TypeFighting.gif Double Kick
  • TypeBug.gif Pin Missile
  • TypeGround.gif Dig


Before he started on his journey, Forte decided that he wanted to have a full team of all seven Eeveelutions. He decided to breed Icicle with his parents' Ditto to make this team. Electro was the fifth Eevee hatched this way.


  • Once caused Ichtacya to mistake her for a boy.


Electro is the second youngest of Icicle's six children.

In the AU

Electro is a Vaporeon in the AU and goes by the name Hydro. After Forte died, she disappeared, though she may still be hiding somewhere.

Forte's Team
On Hand : Icicle471Mini.pngShadow196Mini.pngLeaflet470Mini.pngFireball136Mini.pngMarine134Mini.pngElectro135Mini.pngStella0197Mini.pngCeleste700Mini.pngBlueberry133Mini.png
Alternate Timeline : Sickle470Mini.pngShadow0197Mini.pngAshlet136Mini.pngSnowball471Mini.pngMarine135Mini.pngHydro134Mini.pngSunny196Mini.png
As last seen in: Entralink Arc