WAAPT:Current events

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This section archives relevant events in the roleplay by date to assist in finding information.

Past major events in the roleplay can be found in the Recap Page, which is usually quite out of date.

Compare and contrast the Arc Index and the Background Lore Index.

Currently Playing

  • Re: Glitch


  • [TS]: Time-shenanigan'd
  • [AU]: Taking place in the AU.
  • [Meta]: Real-world event.


Previously On: September 2016

October 1

  • [Meta] Beginning of Black History Month in UK.
  • [TS] Phayza defeats Gardenia for the Forest Badge.
  • Emerick is revealed to have evolved into Prinplup offscreen.

October 2

  • Nothing much happened.

October 3

  • Nothing much happened.

October 4

October 5

October 6

  • [TS] The Contractors encounter Shadow Dune, who after an argument with his other half engages them in battle with mirror facsimiles of the other Contractors.

October 7

  • Nothing much happened.

October 8

  • [TS] Abe no Seimei learns Mystic Fire, which is used to defeat he Frozen King.
  • Elizabeth summons the Contractors to the Velvet Room in order to take on Verax's Dungeon.
  • [TS] Dune attains his Persona, Siegfried.
  • The Contractors enter a CU version of Pyrite Town, and fight the Ironclad Myrmidon.
  • [TS] The Contractors battle the Desperate Phantom, Deziree's Shadow.

October 9

  • Nothing much happened.

October 10

  • [TS] The Desperate Phantom is revealed to be actually the Shadows of the other two Magnemite making up Deziree's Magnezone body, draining the energy from her Shadow in particular.

October 11

  • [Meta] National Coming Out Day.
  • [TS] Deziree forces her other two thirds to come to terms with their Shadows, before attaining her Persona, Ptah.

October 12

October 13

October 14

  • [TS] The Contractors arrive at a twisted version of the Citadark Operations HQ.
  • [TS] The Contractors encounter a Shadow facsimile of Tagg, who attacks them after verbally assaulting Verax.

October 15

October 16

October 17

  • [TS] Not!Tagg transforms into the White Rider and engages the Contractors in battle.
  • Tori ends up in a mysterious cavern.

October 18

  • Jacob is informed by Verax about the Administrator moving to Sunnyshore.
  • A scrap man appears somewhere in Sunnyshore.

October 19

October 20

October 21

  • Science Team continues to work on controlling Metroids.
  • Future!Ludmilla meets with a woman by the name of Chromie.

October 22

  • Sakura, Lyuri, and Hikari finally finish restoring the Riese house to its original condition.
  • Tori finds a handgun-like device next to a sleeping Mareep.

October 23