Boseman (Self-Demonstrating)

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For best results, read this in the voice of the late Chadwick Boseman-- or for that matter, any actor who has played Black Panther.

Ah. It appears that a visitor has arrived. Well, then. I will do my best to acquaint myself with this new and mysterious visitor. I do not know why they are here, but it is the polite thing to do regardless.

With that said, greetings. I am Boseman, and I am Kimberly Bond's Litwick. I am the sixteenth Pokemon that Kim caught on her Pokemon journey, and the eleventh that she caught in Galar specifically. I admire your strength, visitor, and I hope we can better acquaint ourselves in the future.

For now, however... shall we begin?


To begin, there is one thing I admire in my fellow Pokemon above all else, and that is their strength and power, whether it be in battle or in terms of the bond between their Trainer and fellow Pokemon. I have witnessed both of these firsthand with regards to Kim. When I first took notice of her in the Motostoke Stadium Puzzle Room I noticed that she had with her a Kingler, whose name I would later find out was Peechee. I will admit that I was slightly put off by his... ardent desire for battling, and am still trying to understand his method of communication, which he calls "Nadsat". However, the first thing I took notice of was his absolute strength in battle-- he used Guillotine, a one-hit knockout move, to knock out every single opponent. I had never seen such an intense display of strength before, and thus decided to follow this Trainer and her Kingler to the pitch.

Once I was there, I witnessed even more incredible displays of strength that must be commended. First and foremost, her Popplio and Sobble, who were named Geddy and Freddie, evolved simultaneously into a Brionne and Drizzile, respectively. If that is not the true power of a bond of friendship between Pokemon, I do not believe anything else is. The two of them proceeded to fight for each other over the course of the battle. Freddie especially showed true bravery by emerging from his PokeBall and declaring that he would fight Kabu's Ninetales so that none of his friends would get hurt. It was very moving, to say the least, and it was at that moment that I took great interest in Kim as a Trainer, and decided that I had to be her partner.

In addition to my admiration of one's strength and power, I will admit that I can be a rather stoic and intuitive Pokemon. I am very serious when it comes to battle, and do not tend to show much emotion in my everyday life. There are, however, a few exceptions to this, many of them involving my friends or allies being hurt in any way. Suffice it to say, I do not wish to see my friends get hurt by powerful enemies, and anybody who does hurt my friends is absolutely going to pay.

You have been warned. Heed it.

Incidentally, another exception is when I myself am in battle. If ever I am hit by a super-effective move, you can expect to hear me cry out "YIBAMBE" a few seconds later. I have participated in a few battles before, but my most notable one under Kim's ownership has been a battle against Ian that I participated in on New Year's Eve.