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Artwork of Odin by blackbunni

Odin is an NPC of Umbramatic's who has been part of Cipher, Illusion, and Neo-Flare.


Odin was the son of a Cipher scientist, who was killed by Chrome during his raid of a Cipher base in order to rescue Lina. Following his death, Odin was raised by Cipher and until the events of the Orre Arc had a deep-seated fear of Beldum and its evolutions.

Odin's Team


  • Is a cousin of Constantin on his father's side.
  • Has wanted revenge on Chrome for the death of his father, and managed to beat him to within an inch of his life during the Orre Arc on Citadark Isle using powered armor.
  • Has been obsessed with Arika for more than a year since 2014 due to her being the Lunar Pendant.


  • Odin's appearance is meant to mirror that of Vincent Nightray from the Pandora Hearts series.