
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
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Name: Gavin Albright
Nickname/Alias: Shutter, Shutterbug, Gav-Gav
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Age: 27 as of 2018
Height: 5'11
Ethnicity: [Eurasian]
Birthday: 12 June 1991
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Kinkan City, North Mandarin Island, Orange Archipelago, largely nomadic
Pokéform: N/A
Starter: Gimbal
Status: Alive

Gavin Albright, known by his nickname Shutter, is a documentary filmmaker and photojournalist originally hailing from North Mandarin Island in the Orange Archipelago. He is a PC made by JG-says-things-and-stuff.


Shutter is a lanky man about 1.8 meters tall with tan skin and brown shaggy hair. Frequently, he dresses in light clothing such as a T-shirt, buttondown and shorts and wears a flat cap. He is often seen with a rotom-colored gimbal stabilizer (actually a black one inhabited by a rotom ) on hand and carries a large backpack that turns out to be much heavier than it looks. He frequently walks with earphones stuck to his ears; his mp3 player plays bad music from a forgotten era. He dons a plaid green hoodie in cold weather.

He is 27 years old.

Personal History

Gavin is of Orange Islander and Alto Marean descent. His paternal grandfather, Reynard Albright, is an Alto Marean, and his late grandmother Nora was from Shamouti Island; his maternal grandparents, Terrence and Rona, both came from North Mandarin. His parents, Richard and Rachel Albright, were contractors working toward the salvaging of the massive airship that crashed off the coast of the Shamouti group in 1999 and largely spent the 2000s away from home, leaving him in the care of his grandparents. Gavin developed a passion for film making and photography early in life. His nickname was coined by his grandparents, who called him "Shutterbug," which was later shortened by friends to Shutter.

He enjoys close relations with both sets of grandparents while they were alive and he manages to remain in contact with his only surviving grandparent, Reynard, despite the overwhelming physical distance between them.

He was transferred to the Geographic Society headquarters in Unova after a successful stint working with two documentaries at the North Mandarin branch. No stranger to travel, Shutter is currently based at the Stormchaser while on assignment.


Shutter is polite around strangers. Inquisitive and curious, he loves seeing what lies behind the veil, knowing full well that his inquisitive nature can (and frequently does) lead to a serious risk of injury. He loves to travel to breathtakingly beautiful places and capturing the most spectacular views on photos and video. He is a natural critic and shows a sarcastic side when faced with media that isn't up to his standard. He often shares snarky banter with friends, usually his rotom Gimbal.

Job History

Shutter currently works for the Geographic Society and was assigned to work on the episode of one of its most anticipated documentary series The Pokemon Trainer. He had previously worked on two other documentaries with the Geographic Society:

  • Islands Under Siege, a miniseries on the calamities that struck the Orange Islands. He worked as an assistant editor to the episode focusing on the Delta Pokemon invasion.
  • A nature documentary, The Life of Bug Pokemon, where he provided some of the most spectacular shots in the series, including the Beedrill swarm. He considers this his big break (it paid off his college loans with a lot to spare) despite being one of the most dangerous of his assignments

Prior, he largely took odd photography, photojournalism, and videography jobs, most memorably as the cameraman for a YouTube channel focused on dares that turned out to be a Team Rocket front, though he only found out shortly after quitting because of their bad dental plan.

Personal Details

  • He understands monese to a passable degree, courtesy of a class he took in college.
  • He studied under a collegiate photography and cinematography program developed by Todd Snapp.
  • He acquired his first pokemon, Gimbal, by accident; she came with a stabilizer he bought on the cheap on Craigslist.
  • He has had a longstanding desire to take a photographic tour of Kalos and was upset when his bosses passed him over.
  • He only acquired trainer skills after being assigned to nature documentary work.
  • The aforementioned Beedrill swarm shot was accomplished as a result of a terrible incident that, in his words, could've easily gotten him killed.
  • He has a "lucky camera," an early Clavis C-series DSLR called Lucille, that Gimbal calls "a piece of junk."

In the Lillifuture

Gavin marries and has a child, who nearly dies of an engineered pokérus that had been spreading at the time. He eventually becomes a member of the editorial board of the Geographic Society and has become an outspoken critic of the Interpol Authority and its perceived abuses of power. This among other disagreements has created a rift between him and his son David, who works as a low-ranking member of its time-traveling organization, IDPD.

In the Cyfuture

In this dark timeline, Gavin (known outside the RP as "Evil Shutter") becomes the chancellor of the Orange Islands, where he rules as a corrupt and murderous populist dictator. His short title is His majesty, the right and forever honorable dear leader Gavin Albright, the Benevolent and Mighty, Supreme Military Commander, Eternal Chancellor-for-Life, and King of Kings of the Orange Islands, Beloved of the Titans and Beast of the Sea. His son David is a party boy that has only barely towed the party line enough to avoid being outright disowned.

Shutter's "Production Crew"



  • He was originally designed to be a WAAPT version of the Cabbage Merchant.
  • A "Gavin moment" describes moments where any character (usually Tommy) acts sarcastic, snarky and prone to mouthing off profanity, which is a general caricature of Shutter's behavior.
  • Shutter does not have a weirdness filter, which makes him especially prone to reacting and overreacting to what people would usually eventually come to ignore.
  • Evil Shutter's bombastic titles are based on both real life dictatorial titles and a reference to Abdul Fakkadi of Transformers G1.
  • His "young intrepid journalist" schtick lends parallels to Belgian comics character Tintin.