Elton (Self-Demonstrating)
For best results, read this in the voice of Tom Holland doing a thick Cockney accent. The Cockney accent itself will not be written out phonetically on this page, save for h-dropping and the occasional glottal stop, but it's about as thick as you can get minus the Cockney rhyming slang (which Elton very rarely uses).
Freddie? Freddie, is that you? You di'n' run away again, didja? I 'ope not--
Oh...! You ain't Freddie! You're a new friend! 'Ello there, mate! Great to meetcha! My name's Elton. 'Ad me worried there for a sec, 'o'estly; I thought you were Freddie! But no, just a stranger. What are you doing out 'ere, by the way?
...you don't know yet? Oh, that's a shame.
...Oi! I know! 'Ow 'bout I introduce myself to ya in the meantime? It'll be really fun! I'll tell you about my personality, my battle style, Freddie; maybe we could play the Newspeak game together if you're really feeling up to it... what do ya say to that?
Alright~! That's what I like to 'ear!
Alrigh', first things first-- like I said before, I'm Elton. I'm Kimberly Bond's Cinderace, the sixth Pokemon she caught on 'er journey, and the first one she caught in Galar! It's nice to meetcha, chap!
Now where ta begin? We 'ave so much to talk about, and plen'y of time to do it...
Well, I figure we could start by talking 'bout what I'm like. Assuming you couldn't tell tha' already, o' course. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near as exciteable or as 'yper as my mate Dio is, but I'm still a pretty positive Pokemon! Least I try to be, anyways. I love Kim and the rest of the team, and I'd do just about anything for 'em- especially for my best friend and partner Freddie! Don't get me wrong, I do love everyone else on the team, but Freddie and I go way back.
- Met: Kim first met Freddie and I in Postwick Town, during an absolutely momentous occasion... the WE'ING of Umbra and Ammy! It was absolutely wonderful! Not only was the wedding a ton of fun, but Freddie and I got to meet a great new friend at the end of it!
- Ability: Blaze, of course! I'm pre'y sure you know what this does, but in case you don't, it boosts the power of my Fire-type moves when my HP gets low. And that's definitely a big 'elp for me whenever I need it! An' don't worry, I'm not like 'Anuman. I can control my Blaze just fine!
- Favorite Move: PYRO BALL! PYRO BALL! I learned it after evolving into a Cinderace, and it's been great so far!
- Nature: Jolly, o' course! What else do you think you'd expect from a Cinderace? Besides, it's compe'i'ively viable... a' least I think it is, anyways.
- Characteristic: Likes to fight. Scratch tha', even-- make that LOVES to fight! I am a fighter through and through! Don't worry, though; I just consider battles a competition, nothing more than that.
- Ball: Poke. Just like everybody else on Kim's team!
- Evolves in: I evolved TWICE~! The first time was at the end of the battle against Milo-- and I was Dynamaxed during that one. The second time was against Melony's Galarian Darmanitan, and shortly after that 'appened, I learned Pyro Ball.
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
Well, i+ +ook a li++le bi+, no+ gonna lie, bu+ I even+ually swi+ched over +o having a +yping quirk on Hasslemon like my friend Freddie does! I+'s pre++y simple, really; jus+ replace +he le++er "T" wi+h a + sign. I+ references my na+ural op+imism. Oh, and by +he way, +he + sign is also used in place of any ins+ances of +he word "plus", such as in +he Newspeak words "+good" and "double+good".
Known Moves
: Ember, Flame Charge, Pyro Ball
: Double Kick
So! 'Ere are some more things about me you should prob'ly know by now. If you want to, of course.
- I was named after Elton John. You prob'ly were already able to guess tha', though; after all, there aren't tha' many musicians named "Elton" out there. O' course, 'ad it not been for Freddie I prob'ly wouldn' 'ave even recieved the name. I was named that not only because of my excitability (Elton John tended to release more "pop"-sounding songs than Freddie Mercury did), but also because John and Mercury were two of the biggest gay rock stars of the '70's an' '80's. An' as if that wasn't enough, their biopic films, Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman, were released within months of each other! Who would 'ave thought, eh?
- Speaking of "Rocketman", that's the song where my main chat 'andle, rocketbun, comes from! Well, that an' my speed, but. Later on, when I star'ed usin' 'Asslemon for the first time, I picked the 'andle ecstaticLagomorph (EL). Read, a energetic bunny- a fitting description really, but pre'y boring on the surface... except tha' the initials EL are the first two letters of my name! I swear tha' was a coincidence, but I might 'ave freaked out a bit when I realized it.
- Time for my favorite part- CHARACTER THEME SONGS! Kim selected two. My standard one is "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again" by Elton John and Taron Egerton. It's the song from the end of the movie Rocketman, and it won Elton John an Oscar! I was pretty 'appy when that 'appened, 'onestly, but in all seriousness, I think the song fits me well. It's a confidence-boosting motivational song 'bout loving yourself and it's SO MUCH FUN~! That and it also makes for a great contrast between my song and Freddie's song-- and I'm sure Freddie will tell you all 'bout 'is song soon! As for my Broadway character theme? IT'S "CONSIDER YOURSELF" FROM Oliver! That is my favorite song from my favorite Broadway musical of all time...! It also fits me pretty well, for the record, considering that I'm willing to welcome just about anybody into Kim's ever-expanding list of friends! "Consider yourself one of us", indeed!
- Also apparently whenever I sing I lose the Cockney accent and sound suspiciously like Taron Egerton. To which I say, come on, Kim! I mean, I love to sing songs, but I'm not really that good, am I? I do appreciate the compliment, though. Maybe that's 'ow Freddie 'ears it?