Helmsman is Colton's Samurott, and the first Pokémon he acquired, one year before his original journey.
Helmsman is hot-headed and fun-loving, always excited for the next battle or any variety of action. He gets irritable rather quickly, sometimes having the dry wit Sylveon does. Beneath the hotheaded exterior is a guiding figure with years of combat under his belt, eager to become stronger, even by learning his weaknesses, or those of others.
- Birthday: May 23, 2009
- Age: 13
- Met: Accumula City (Oshawott) [Gifted]
- Ability: Torrent
- Held Item: Waterium Z
- Favorite Move: Waterfall
- Nature: Rash
- Ball: Poke
Given as an Oshawott as a housewarming present for Colton after he moved to Accumula, their relationship was initially very fraught. Due to the - at the time non-nicknamed - Oshawott's disdain for the teenager Colton once was, he often threw his scalchop at his trainer's head.
Only after Team Plasma made their speech in Accumula did the two decide to put aside their differences to find the team and show them how wrong they were.
However, they were too late to do so, and so took up residence in Castelia for years before they met the J-Team.
Battle Strategy
If he has the chance, Helmsman favors using Rain Dance and Swords Dance to augment his Water-type attacks, which he has the most faith in. If he can’t do that, he has a variety of special moves to fall back on.
If he can, he capitalizes on opponent’s mistakes with surprising speed, leaving battlefields submerged in ever-increasing amounts of water he can weaponize with a flick of his wrist.
He wields a seamitar right-handed, backhanded, for defensive reasons.
Known Techniques
Megahorn, X-Scissor
Sacred Sword
Air Slash
Blizzard, Ice Beam
False Swipe, Slash, Swords Dance
Aqua Jet, Dive, Rain Dance, Razor Shell, Scald, Surf, Waterfall
Helmsman has a particularly strong bromance with Julius, the both of them sharing a Double Battle strategy and with Helmsman being one of the few Pokémon to get Julius to fight him regularly.
- Helmsman used to tie a Mystic Water around the hilt of his seamitar.
- His nickname is a reference to the Helmsman from Homestuck, particularly Mituna Captor’s more violent demeanor.
- When human, he answers to the name “Curtis Shunner”.