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Pariah is Onion's Bisharp.


  • Age: 1
  • Birthday: January 5
  • Gender: Female
  • Nature: Quirky
  • Ability: Defiant
  • Met: Ever Grande
  • Ball: Ultra
  • Favorite Move: Dig
  • Likes: Hugging, tasting things (usually other mons)
  • Dislikes: 'Meanies', refusals of being tasted


Pariah is bizarre and eccentric, and unusually outgoing for her species. She is enthusiastic towards most things and is more often friendly than not. She enjoys busying herself with activities such as digging, clinging to various peoplemons, or chasing (and being chased by) Jab and Ratchet.

Abilities in Battle

Pariah has a decent typing providing many resistances and a potent Attack stat. However, she also has a large weakness to Fighting attacks. When forced or inclined to for whatever reason, Pariah fights somewhat well. She has expressed desires to evolve, although mostly for battling-unrelated reasons.

Known moves:

  • TypeDark.gif Taunt, Faint Attack
  • TypeNormal.gif Scratch, Leer, Slash
  • TypeFighting.gif Brick Break
  • TypeGround.gif Dig
  • TypeSteel.gif Metal Claw


Pariah lived in a Pawniard pack in Ever Grande for several weeks. Once she left or was forced out for an unknown reason Pariah emerged and was later caught by Onion.


  • Short-circuited the minds of several mons.
  • Destroyed many of Onion's electronics.


Pariah is good friends with Asphodel.

Pariah enjoys Jab's company, and often plays games or hunts with him. Pariah feels similarly towards Ratchet.

Pariah regularly 'translates' Puzzle for others; the accuracy is uncertain.

Onion's Team
On Hand : Pariah625Mini.pngPuzzle332Mini.pngAsphodel0197Mini.pngRatchet229Mini.pngXakk0635Mini.png
Released : Fido248Mini.pngHusk292Mini.png
As last seen in: PMD-A