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== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==
* He is especially close friends with [[FeSO₄]].
* Fisher has taken [[Fishy]] as a sort of pupil.
{{Crow's Team}}
{{Crow's Team}}

Revision as of 22:22, 14 January 2015

General Info

Species: Slowking

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Obtained: Route 12, Kanto (Slowpoke)

Ball: Great

Birthday: August 13th, 2008

First Appearance: Page 7540

Nature: Mild

Ability: Oblivious


Fisher is generally rather relaxed.




Fisher's Movepool
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeNormal.gif Yawn Natural ★★★ Used to try and put a status on Pokemon, most notably on Prometheus
TypeWater.gif Water Pulse Natural ★★★★ Fisher's most frequently-used Water move
TypeIce.gif Blizzard TM ★★★★ Most often used in combination with Hail
TypeFighting.gif Drain Punch Tutor ★★ Strangely effective on Bisharp
TypePsychic.gif Psychic Natural ★★★ Fisher's most frequently used Psychic move
TypeDark.gif Nasty Plot Natural ★★★★ Used when Fisher needs to boost offensive stats
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Fisher

TypeNormal.gif Confide, Disable, Flash, Giga Impact, Growl, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Psych Up, Safeguard, Slack Off, Swagger, Tackle, Trump Card

TypeFire.gif Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Sunny Day

TypeWater.gif Rain Dance, Scald, Water Gun

TypeElectric.gif Thunder Wave

TypeGrass.gif Grass Knot

TypeIce.gif Hail, Ice Beam

TypeFighting.gif Focus Blast, Power-Up Punch

TypeGround.gif Bulldoze, Dig, Hidden Power

TypePsychic.gif Amnesia, Calm Mind, Confusion, Dream Eater, Heal Pulse, Light Screen, Zen Headbutt

TypeRock.gif Power Gem

TypeGhost.gif Curse, Shadow Ball

TypeDragon.gif Dragon Tail

TypeSteel.gif Iron Defense


  • He is especially close friends with FeSO₄.
  • Fisher has taken Fishy as a sort of pupil.
Sholto's Team
On Hand/Challenger's Cave/Elsewhere : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngFisher199Mini.pngVenomous0049Mini.pngSticy Lips463Mini.pngFeSO₄462Mini.png
Ruby030Mini.pngOld Cave051Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngDawg229Mini.pngTrainwreck652Mini.pngLisa0663Mini.png
Angelica210Mini.pngChariot711Mini.pngHookwolf624Mini.pngTeacher687Mini.pngFestival714Mini.pngKick Magnet133Mini.png
E-Bird068Mini.pngAirhead200Mini.pngAnubis679Mini.pngRockabye246Mini.pngVanitas099Mini.pngClean Bandit019aMini.png
AU : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.png
Otherverse : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngEmblem067Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh