Difference between revisions of "Old Cave"

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(18 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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= General Info =
= General Info =
'''Species:''' {{bp|Diglett}}
'''Species:''' {{bp|Dugtrio}}
'''Gender''': Male
'''Gender''': Male
'''Age''': 2
'''Age''': 4
'''Obtained''': S&D Department, Orre
'''Obtained''': S&D Department, Orre (Diglett)
'''Ball''': Poké
'''Birthday''': September 13th, 2011
'''Birthday''': September 13th, 2011
'''First Appearance''': Page 1219
'''First Appearance''': Page 12129
'''Nature''': Naïve
'''Ability''': Arena Trap
'''Ability''': Arena Trap
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= OU =
= OU =
=== Pre-Debut ===
=== Orre ===
=== Kalos ===
=== Ranger-2 ===
=== Johto Mini-Arc ===
=== Hoenn-2 ===
== History ==
== History ==
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{{MovepoolTable/Begin|name=Notable Moves | fg=pink | bg=#62030A | }}
{{MovepoolTable/Begin|name=Notable Moves | fg=pink | bg=#62030A | }}
{{MovepoolTable/Data| None Yet |Unknown| ??? | link=veekun | performance=0 | notes= }}
{{MovepoolTable/Data| Sand Tomb |Ground| Natural | link=veekun | performance=4 | notes=Enjoyed due to its trap-like properties}}
{{typeicon|Normal}} Scratch
{{typeicon|Normal}} Confide, Facade, Giga Impact, Growl, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Protect, Scratch, Tri Attack
{{typeicon|Fire}} Sunny Day
{{typeicon|Ground}} Bulldoze, Dig, Earth Power, Magnitude, Mud Bomb, Mud-Slap, Rototiller, Sand Attack
{{typeicon|Flying}} Aerial Ace
{{typeicon|Rock}} Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Stone Edge
{{typeicon|Ghost}} Astonish
{{typeicon|Dark}} Hone Claws, Night Slash, Pursuit, Sucker Punch
== Relationships ==
== Relationships ==
{{Crow's Team}}
{{Sholto's Team}}
[[Category:Male Pokémon]]
[[Category:Male Pokémon]]
[[Category:Crow's Pokémon]]
[[Category:Sholto's Pokémon]]
[[Category:Shadow Pokémon]]
[[Category:Shadow Pokémon]]

Latest revision as of 02:40, 6 February 2016

General Info

Species: Dugtrio

Gender: Male

Age: 4

Obtained: S&D Department, Orre (Diglett)

Ball: Poké

Birthday: September 13th, 2011

First Appearance: Page 12129

Nature: Naïve

Ability: Arena Trap







Johto Mini-Arc




Notable Moves
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeGround.gif Sand Tomb Natural ★★★★ Enjoyed due to its trap-like properties
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Old Cave

TypeNormal.gif Confide, Facade, Giga Impact, Growl, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Protect, Scratch, Tri Attack

TypeFire.gif Sunny Day

TypeGround.gif Bulldoze, Dig, Earth Power, Magnitude, Mud Bomb, Mud-Slap, Rototiller, Sand Attack

TypeFlying.gif Aerial Ace

TypeRock.gif Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Stone Edge

TypeGhost.gif Astonish

TypeDark.gif Hone Claws, Night Slash, Pursuit, Sucker Punch


Sholto's Team
On Hand/Challenger's Cave/Elsewhere : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngFisher199Mini.pngVenomous0049Mini.pngSticy Lips463Mini.pngFeSO₄462Mini.png
Ruby030Mini.pngOld Cave051Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngDawg229Mini.pngTrainwreck652Mini.pngLisa0663Mini.png
Angelica210Mini.pngChariot711Mini.pngHookwolf624Mini.pngTeacher687Mini.pngFestival714Mini.pngKick Magnet133Mini.png
E-Bird068Mini.pngAirhead200Mini.pngAnubis679Mini.pngRockabye246Mini.pngVanitas099Mini.pngClean Bandit019aMini.png
AU : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.png
Otherverse : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngEmblem067Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh