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Martin and Leslie Dekalb-Owens were the parents of PEFE!Every.


Martin and Leslie met while working for Pokefutures, and their collaboration on various projects and similar natures blossomed into a relationship. While at Pokefutures, they were involved in the creation of Nidhoggr. In addition, they were working on an unspecified Project Fenrir.

At some point during their time in Pokefutures, they had a child together, PEFE!Every. However, they made little effort to find her after she was lost in the facility, and when Pokefutures was taken over by PEFE, they fled, abandoning their daughter.

They spent the next 10-odd years bouncing between various organizations that they believed would assist them with Project Fenrir, including Cipher. They eventually joined Team Iron, where they were reunited with the child they had assumed was dead. They recruited PEFE!Every into their work by force, eventually kidnapping her from Team Iron when their ruse was discovered.

They vanished to a lab hideout in the Desert Resort, where they completed the creation of Unigma. However, they were tracked there by Ever, looking to rescue his cousin, and Tagg and Echo were notified, joining the rescue mission. Despite releasing Unigma, Martin and Leslie were defeated in a double battle by Tagg and Echo, followed by Echo asking Mew to turn them both into Pokemon. Mew turned them into Mew, which caused the grievously injured Unigma to attack Martin, killing him instantly. Leslie attempted to teleport out of the way of Unigma's attack, but ran into a teleport disruptor that had been set up over the area, which caused her death.

Leslie had kept several secrets from Martin over the course of her life, mostly relating to her descent from Revy, specifically the branch including Tapu Lele. Her relationship with her family matriarch was decidedly adversarial, only growing more so as Leslie threw herself in with Team Iron.


Despite being a loving and devoted couple to each other, Martin and Leslie were cold and callous to the point of cruelty. They retained a relentlessly pragmatic, soulless outlook on other people, including PEFE!Every.

Martin and Leslie believed firmly that Pokemon were largely unintelligent, and that evidence to the contrary was a result primarily of undue anthropomorphism on the part of scientists. Consequently they thought little of horrific treatment of Pokemon, both theirs and others.

After Martin was killed by Unigma, Leslie became exceptionally unhinged for the brief remaining period of her life, exhibiting emotions for the first time (though they were primarily frantic rage).


Martin and Leslie dressed and presented identically, to the point where only meaningful inspection would distinguish the two.


  • Martin and Leslie were PEFE!Every's parents. Despite their lack of love for their daughter, she feels a lingering attachment to them, even writing them a note to try and find some form of closure.
  • Nobody else liked them. Not even their ostensible allies.
  • Seriously. Nobody.


Martin and Leslie outfitted their Pokemon with extensive augmentations to enhance their abilities in combat, including subdermal mesh and pain-suppressing implants. In addition, these augmentations, as well as Martin and Leslie's refusal to acknowledge their Pokemon as intelligent creatures, tended to lead to skewed mental development, and most of their team had very little by way of cognition.