Jessica (Shaun)

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"I'm Jessica, the three-tailed flame-throwing utterly-adorable Vulpix!"


Jessica is Shaun's female Vulpix.


Jessica's a carefree, enthusiastic, fun-loving Vulpix. Essentially, she's a PluckyGenki Girl. Of course, she has hidden depths, but rarely acts differently than normal.


  • Species: Vulpix
  • Age: 2
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: August 6, 2015
  • Met: Sinnoh Day-Care, November 2015
  • Ball: Poké

Known Techniques

  • Ability: Flash Fire
  • TypeFire.gif Ember, Fire Spin, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Inferno, Sunny Day
  • TypeNormal.gif Captivate, Secret Power, Tail Whip, Roar
  • TypePsychic.gif Hypnosis
  • TypeDark.gif Payback, Feint Attack
  • TypeGhost.gif Confuse Ray, Hex, Grudge
  • TypeFairy.gif Baby-Doll Eyes

Notable RP Events


  • Loves all of her friends.
  • Considers Jamie a brother.


  • Loves puns with a passion, much to the delight of Shaun.
  • Hasselmon user; handle is "flamingFox".
  • Speech color: Red
Shaun's Team
On Hand :Jamie038aMini.pngCelena797Mini.pngTsuboi768Mini.pngMidna478Mini.png Woomy706Mini.pngMonsoon395Mini.pngQrow823Mini.png
PEFE HQ: Tsunami395Mini.pngAce398Mini.pngBeowulf475Mini.png
On Their Own: Jessica037Mini.png
Sapphire House, Sinnoh : Jasper0197Mini.pngLightning025Mini.png*Ruby407Mini.pngNero206Mini.png
Unova : Achille571Mini.png
AU : Typhoon395Mini.pngCreme Puff700Mini.pngSolarfax078Mini.pngMargaret242Mini.pngLuka448Mini.pngAveline542Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar