Ace (Shaun)
"This'll be fun."
In his Pokémon form, Ace has the same appearance as a standard Staraptor, albeit larger. On Shaun's birthday, he got a Wide Lens modified by Shaun's father. It's basically a DBZ-style scouter but with the Wide Lens in place of the eyepiece.
In his human form, Ace takes the form of a handsome young 20-something man. His default outfit is a black tuxedo with gray pants, a pair of orange shoes, and a monocle on his left eye. As for accessories, he has a sword cane similar to this but with a Staraptor in place of the hawk as well as a pocketwatch with chain.
Ace is a calm, wise, collected person, though he does make bad descisions sometimes. He's also prideful, caring, and just. He acts logically, and is interested in science. Ace stands by his companions no matter what, though he will call them out if need be.
- Species: Staraptor
- Age: 5
- Gender: Male
- Sexuality: Heterosexual
- Birthday: July 23, 2012
- Obtained: Route 209, Sinnoh - August 6, 2012
- Ball: Luxury
Known Techniques
- Ability: Intimidate
Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Fly, Defog
Quick Attack, Double Team, Whirlwind, Tackle
Close Combat, Final Gambit
Sunny Day
Rain Dance
Notable RP Events
- Trusts Shaun and Tsunami a lot, as they are his "flock".
- In a romantic relationship with Tsunami.
- Considers Gogie a friend.
- Archetype: Team Dad/Genius Bruiser
- Claustrophobic; fears abandonment and being unable to fly.
- Ace is larger than most Staraptors; his measurements are:
- Height: 4' 11" (1.4986 m)
- Weight: 71.3 lbs. (35.65 kg)
- Wingspan: 8' 2" (2.4892 m)
- Ace also owns a black bow tie for formal occasions.
- Very intellectual and enjoys reading.
- In contrast to Lyra, Ace - while knowledgable about technology - prefers fields related to biology and chemistry.
- Hasselmon user; handle is "adeptAvian".
- Speech color: Bold Black

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