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General Info

Species: Abomasnow

Gender: Female

Age: 2

Obtained: Route 217, Sinnoh

Birthday: February 19th, 2011

First Appearance: Page 8638

Ability: Snow Warning

Pronunciation: Glöckchen (spelling).


Glöckchen has a blank stare and is more quiet than not, except for occasional rings of her bell.




{{MovepoolTable/Data| Swords Dance |Normal|TM| link=veekun | performance=2 | notes=
Glöckchen's Movepool
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeIce.gif Powder Snow Natural ★★★
TypeNormal.gif Leer Natural ★★★★
TypeGrass.gif Razor Leaf Natural ★★★
TypeIce.gif Icy Wind Natural ★★★★
TypeGrass.gif GrassWhistle Natural ★★★
TypeNormal.gif Swagger Natural ★★
TypeIce.gif Mist Natural ★★★★
TypeIce.gif Ice Shard Natural ★★★
TypeGrass.gif Ingrain Natural ★★
TypeSteel.gif Iron Tail TM ★★
TypeGrass.gif Wood Hammer Natural ★★★
TypeIce.gif Ice Punch Natural ★★★
TypeFighting.gif Focus Punch TM
TypeWater.gif Water Pulse TM ★★
TypeNormal.gif Flash TM
TypePsychic.gif Light Screen TM ★★★
TypeGround.gif Bulldoze TM ★★
TypeIce.gif Hail TM ★★★★
TypeWater.gif Rain Dance TM ★★
TypeIce.gif Blizzard Natural ★★★★★
TypeNormal.gif Hyper Beam TM ★★★
TypeNormal.gif Giga Impact TM ★★
TypeNormal.gif Heal Bell Tutor ★★★ Tutored by Diesel
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Glöckchen


Sholto's Team
On Hand/Challenger's Cave/Elsewhere : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngFisher199Mini.pngVenomous0049Mini.pngSticy Lips463Mini.pngFeSO₄462Mini.png
Ruby030Mini.pngOld Cave051Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngDawg229Mini.pngTrainwreck652Mini.pngLisa0663Mini.png
Angelica210Mini.pngChariot711Mini.pngHookwolf624Mini.pngTeacher687Mini.pngFestival714Mini.pngKick Magnet133Mini.png
E-Bird068Mini.pngAirhead200Mini.pngAnubis679Mini.pngRockabye246Mini.pngVanitas099Mini.pngClean Bandit019aMini.png
AU : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.png
Otherverse : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngEmblem067Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh