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"It's even more fun when the screaming starts."

Xakk is Onion's Hydreigon.


  • Age: 8
  • Birthday: June 10
  • Nature: Naughty
  • Ability: Levitate
  • Met: Victory Road, Unova (Deino)
  • Ball: Ultra
  • Favorite Move: Draco Meteor
  • Likes: Violence, Marmalade
  • Dislikes: Everything else


Xakk is resolute and disdainful, as well as possibly a sociopath. He repeatedly expresses the desire to seek out entertainment in the forms of fighting or bullying. He speaks disapprovingly of just about everything and the number of people he has the smallest bit of respect for can be counted with his heads. He is impatient with what he considers to be others' incompetence.

Abilities in Battle

Like all Hydreigon, Xakk is immensely strong, and the strongest on Onion's team. He is capable of unleashing special attacks possessing catastrophic power, and is also able of utilizing physical attacks fairly well.

  • TypeDark.gif Crunch
  • TypeDragon.gif Dragon Rush, Dragon Pulse
  • TypeFire.gif Fire Blast, Flamethrower
  • TypeGround.gif Earthquake
  • TypeFighting.gif Focus Blast
  • TypeFlying.gif Fly


Xakk was a Deino living in the Unovan Victory Road before being caught by Onion. He was Onion's main attacking force for a long while.


  • Won many of Onion's Sinnoh Gym challenges almost single-handedly.
  • Fought off a large group of virtual Corruptors and Mutalisks.


Xakk is regarded by the rest of Onion's mons as a necessary evil, and is especially disliked by Husk. However, Asphodel considers him almost a friend.

Xakk has little to no respect for any trainer except his own, despite needling him from time to time.

Xakk has taken a liking to Marmalade. He has even tried to comfort her at times, something he has never done before to anyone else.

Onion's Team
On Hand : Pariah625Mini.pngPuzzle332Mini.pngAsphodel0197Mini.pngRatchet229Mini.pngXakk635Mini.png
Released : Fido248Mini.pngHusk292Mini.png
As last seen in: PMD-A