Revision as of 23:51, 9 August 2014 by Mezzopiano (talk | contribs)
This is a user page. Really, the only reason it exists is because I have a headcanon page.
Since I'm not using this page for anything else, I'll keep some notes on my ongoing Kirby Triple Deluxe arc.
The Kirby Krew:
- Bandanna Puff the Jigglypuff♂ (Spear)
- Mezzo the Liepard♀ (Circus)
- Fortis the Altaria♀ (Ninja)
- Ever the Dunsparce♂ (Hammer)
- Joseph the Riolu♂ (Fire)
- Jason the Chimchar♂ (Fighter)
- Blitz the Frogadier♂
- Noelle the Flabébé♀ (Bell)
- Mimmy the Sylveon♀ (Bomb)
- Stark the Lairon♂ (Leaf)
- Senshi the Kirlia♂ (Spear)
- Denshi the Raichu♀ (Archer)
- Gumbomb the Jigglypuff♂
- SleepyHead the Hypno♀
- Nacrene the Druddigon♂ (Whip)
- Ricin the Muk♀ (Wheel)
- Doc the Audino♂
- Crochet the Leavanny♀
- Currently in: Old Odyssey