Noelle Cloutier
Noelle Blanche Cloutier is a J-Team fangirl and Fairy type trainer.
Noelle keeps her green hair in a pair of long pigtails. She usually wears frilly dresses of some sort, but can wear other clothing when needed. Ever since discovering her Flabébé line Pokéform, she has taken to wearing a white flower in her hair.
Noelle is easily excitable, but somewhat eccentric.
Noelle is a huge fan of Fortis, finding her totally adorable.
Noelle also ships Mezzo and Lily. Due to her insistence on this pairing, both of them have taken a dislike to her.
Noelle is currently in a romantic relationship with Psyche. This relationship was once part of a larger polycule including Diane, Skye, and Alyssa, but has since broken up.
Noelle has a sister named Mimmy and an aunt named Alys.
She is not on good terms with her mother Honore.
Noelle is known to develop crushes on cute girls easily. She currently has feelings for her close friend Fortis, but doesn't want to act on them due to the age gap involved.
Further Details
- Age: 29 (As of 2024)
- Birthday: March 23, 1995
- Starter Pokémon: Caitsidhe the Sylveon
- First appearance: Page 13299
- Pokéform: Floette (white flower) (Flabébé in AU)
- Favorite color: Pink
- Likes: The J-Team, girly things, cuteness, magic, girls, magical girls, fairies, femslash shipping
- Dislikes: Sports and other stereotypically masculine things
In the AU
Noelle was transformed into a Flabébé by the Monification Bombs dropped in Kalos. At some point after the bombs were dropped, she and her team were inducted into an insanity-based cult run by Xel'lotath. Each of the team is marked with a Xel'lotath rune in some way to show their membership, Noelle having it painted on her flower.
Noelle's Team
- Noelle acts as a Nega-Counterpart to both Lily and Mezzo.
- Noelle and Mimmy are the only sibling pair in the RP who both specialize in the same type.
- Noelle is quite adept at mathematics, and considered going to college before the discovery of the Fairy type compelled her to become a trainer. In the Lillifuture, she is a professor at Lumiose University.
- Noelle loves mints and frequently eats them like candy.
- Noelle was originally a fan of the J-Team TV Show, but stopped watching after she was added to it as a character and the fanbase began to say awful things about her.
ExpandNoelle's Team |