
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 18:32, 4 December 2015 by Corvus Atrox (talk | contribs)
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General Info

Species: Small Gourgeist

Gender: Male

Age: 2

Obtained: Route 14, Kalos (Pumpkaboo)

Ball: Great

Birthday: January 4th, 2013

First Appearance: Page 14455

Ability: Pickup





Chariot's Movepool
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeUnknown.gif None Yet
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Chariot

TypeNormal.gif Confide, Facade, Flash, Pain Split, Protect, Safeguard, Scary Face

TypeFire.gif Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Sunny Day

TypeElectric.gif Charge Beam

TypeGrass.gif Bullet Seed, Grass Knot, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, Worry Seed

TypePsychic.gif Light Screen, Skill Swap, Trick

TypeGhost.gif Astonish, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Trick-or-Treat

TypeSteel.gif Gyro Ball


  • He views Sholto as a 'Honchkrow of fate.'
  • He has a slight distrust of Gogie, but generally is willing to go along with what he says.
  • He has met and listened to Silvio's story, believing it to be true.
Sholto's Team
On Hand/Challenger's Cave/Elsewhere : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngFisher199Mini.pngVenomous0049Mini.pngSticy Lips463Mini.pngFeSO₄462Mini.png
Ruby030Mini.pngOld Cave051Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngDawg229Mini.pngTrainwreck652Mini.pngLisa0663Mini.png
Angelica210Mini.pngChariot711Mini.pngHookwolf624Mini.pngTeacher687Mini.pngFestival714Mini.pngKick Magnet133Mini.png
E-Bird068Mini.pngAirhead200Mini.pngAnubis679Mini.pngRockabye246Mini.pngVanitas099Mini.pngClean Bandit019aMini.png
AU : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.png
Otherverse : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngEmblem067Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh