Pokésona Characters
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A list of enemies and other characters met and fought during Pokésona Arcs.
Personas and Pokésonas
Starter Pokésonas
- Izanagi: A humanoid Aron wearing a black coat and boots with blades on their soles.
- Seiten Tensei: A Monferno in a red and gold vest holding a white metal staff.
- Yurlungur: A large Ekans with rainbow-colored copper scales.
- Pyro Jack: A shiny Lampent with Mismagius plushie.
- Titan: A Gurrdurr wearing bronze armor and wielding a club.
- Camazotz: A Noibat wearing a decorative chord between two small skulls.
- Orpheus: A Clefairy with a red scarf wrapped around its neck and over its head holding a lyre as big as itself. Its female form has a gold hue to her fur and a heart-shaped lyre while Orpheus' male form has a teal hue and a stereotypical-shaped lyre.
- Decarabia: Staryu with a red eye in place of its jewel.
- Hua Po: Orange Flower Floette with a bottom half reminiscent of a cheongsam.
- Matador: Pawniard dressed in bright colors and gilded filigrees carrying a bright red cape.
- Cu Sith: Herdier with greenish fur. Likes to follow people see what they play like when there's no danger around. Is able to use
Strength and
Ice Fang.
- Take-Mikazuchi: Large black-skinned Cubone with a thunderbolt club.
- Tokubei: Gligar with teal claws and markings on its body.
- Yatagarasu: Murkrow with a black beak wearing wooden magatama beads on a silver string.
- Jiraiya: Black-skinned Frogadier wearing a white Kamen Rider-esque jumpsuit with a large, wide v-shaped ornament on the chest and black leather gloves with gold four-point star ornaments on them.
- Arahabaki: Bronze Baltoy with bright red eyes and dark, ornate patterns on its body and around its eyes.
- Mokele Mbembe: A yellow Aurorus with a turquoise lower portion wearing a turquoise helmet with antennae.
- Yato-no-Kami: Doublade with swords resembling the Yato.
- Solaire: An armored Blaziken with a shining shield and a simple shortsword, a bright fiery emblem printed on its chestplate.
- Genbu: Black Wartortle with an Arbok tail.
- Raijuu: A Manectric with a bottom half made entirely of electricity.
- Omoikane: A pink, blue-eyed Solosis with tentacles and eye stalks.
- Mandrake: A pinkish Oddish with red leaves.
- Sandman: A Delibird with a Lunatone-esque head.
- Tin Patriot: A Machoke wearing a ragged old-Unovan military uniform.
- Nemean Lion: A Luxio with yellow fur that looks more like needles than fur and a vicious look in its eyes.
- Cerberus: A three-headed Granbull
- Banshee: A humanoid-looking Misdreavus with a red pearl necklace and a teary-eyed expression on their face.
- Ganesha: A golden Copperajah wearing a giant golden headdress.
- Amaterasu: A white and red Hisuian Arcanine wielding a stone glaive.
Evolved Starter Pokésonas
- Izanagi-no-Okami: Izanagi's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. Now a Humanoid Mega Aggron-like demon, he wears a white long coat, has golden blades for claws and on his boots. Izanagi-no-Okami carries an unique dual-sword weapon.
- Messiah: Orpheus's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. Now a tall, Clefable-like demon; his pure-white body, silver hair tuf, and red eyes strike a mournful feel. Around one of his arms is tied a chain connecting several silver, black, and blue Cofagrigous lids. At his back floats a blade that can be used as a projectile, the blade has a pair of wings that wrap around Messiah's waist when the blade is not being used.
- Xuanzang: Seiten Tesei's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. An Infernape-based demon wearing a purple and white ticīvara with gold embroidery, an ornate Buddist headdress and weilding a shining silver staff. Six spherical jewels circle Xuanzang.
- Kohryu: Yunlungr's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A gigantic and incredibly long golden Mega Rayquaza-like demon with an extra pair of arms on it's back half. Each arm grips a colored orb (red, blue, black, and white).
- Scathach: Pyro Jack's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A tall, Gardevoir-like demon wearing a hat and cloak of a Mismagius.
- Odin: Take Mikazuchi's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A tall, one-eyed Marowak-like demon with a white cap and a golden skull helmet and a spear-like bone.
- Atlas: Titan's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A Regigigas-like demon with golden armor. All six of its eyes, rather that being on its body, look out from the shadows within the golden helmet sitting on its shoulders.
- Seth: Camazotz's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A pure black Giratina O-like demon with Altered Forme wings and electric-blue eyes.
- Manannan: Jiraiya's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A Seismitoad-like demon wearing silver armor, a sea-blue cloak, a horned helmet, and weilds a harpoon.
- Cerberus: Cu Sith's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A three-headed Mega Houndoom-like demon with black metal armor and black metal tridents for the lower legs.
- Hell Biker: Matador's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. An undead Bisharp-like demon in a biker outfit and a skull-like face riding a motorcycle that leaves flaming tracks.
- Aliat: Arahibaki's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A huge black-stone prsim with a shining red Beheeyum pattern carved into the four sides.
- Kaguya: Hua Po's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A red Florges-like demon with Lopunny-like antennae and a mutli-layered cape with a black outer glowing, prismatic embrodery and the inner layers of the seven colors of the rainbow.
- Mada: Decarabia's new form after undergoing fusion with other demons. A blue, six-legged Heatran-like demon that stands on its hind legs to attack.
Initial Personas and Pokésonas
- Pythagoras: The initial Persona of Mendel. A Porygon head shell topped by an animate stone Figurehead of a [Greek] scholar holding a four-sided pyramid.
- Himiko: The initial Persona of Lyuri. A tall humanoid Mawile with yellow pearl-like fur. On her head is a headdress with gray metal that mimics the shape of a Mawile's horn-jaws and a framework in a satellite panel-like structure hiding her face and a white silk sash over falling over her shoulders and holds a silver crown-like visor in her hands.
- Sukona-Hikona: The initial Persona of Mondo. A miniature Clefairy wearing a leather headband, a magatama strung on a leather cord around his neck, and a bow held in one hand.
- Phobetor: The initial Pokésona of SleepyHead. An indeterminate Hypno-shaped mass covered in shadow, thorns, and poppy blooms, with a head resembling a skull
- Shiva: Humanoid figure with an Aggron head-shaped helmet and plate like chitin growing on its back, wrists, and shins, wielding a black sword like Kanshou in one hand and a trident in the other.
- Lin Bu: The initial Persona of Joseph Hudson, a humanoid with Roserade features wearing a cheongsam with long, loose sleeves made of leaves and petals. Flower petals form his red and blue gloves and his face is mostly human, his eyes are the pistils of plum blossoms.
- Yomotsu-Ikusa: The initial Persona of Lane. Stout Cyndaquil with a pointed hat and a tiny spear in its paws.
- Fitchers Vogel: The initial Pokésona of Lisa. A Talonflame with a myriad of feathers that make her appear near unrecognizable. There is a window floating above her that appears like Lisa's silhouette from a distance, but changes to a Gurdurr's skull at close range.
- Abe no Seimei: The initial Persona of Ren. A humanoid figure with clawed-hands and a Delphox’s tail and ears wearing a Delphox head-themed visor and a plate made of ceramic-like material, fully masking its face. It wields a shaku with an amythest in the center of the handle and its fur gives the appearance of a kannushi wearing a jōe, sashinuki, and a tate-eboshi.
- Siegfried: The initial Persona of Dune. An armored Drilbur with a sword clenched in his mouth.
- Muramasa: A Honedge possessing a metal statue of Des with Honedge-like eyes wearing traditional smith garb complete with apron and headband and cloth over his nose and mouth. The Honedge's tassel is black with green highlights and is wrapping up around his arm.
- Huli Jing: The initial Persona of Daydre. Humanoid with Zorua ears, tail, and fur ruff that looks reminiscent of a scarf, her “hair” in a short ponytail. Wears a tunic, karusan bakama that end at the knee, shoulder plates, and arm guards. Also wears a reflective, featureless mask. Wields two single edged short swords.
- Al-mi'raj: The initial Persona of Silent. A masked figure in the shape of an anthropomorphised Nidoran, with a noticeably longer and thinner horn. Covers himself in a coat spotted in colors related to the seasons, and wields a spear called Consequence as his flagship weapon, but also carries some poisoned weapons such as carts and a clawed glove in a belt, which he uses mostly for intimidation.
- Ptah: The initial Pokésona of Deziree. A Magneton whose eyes have been replaced by a was, ankh, and djed.
- Gulduar: The initial Persona of Pentigan, a Lopunny in the garb of a stage magician.
- Carmen: The inital Persona of Aria. A Torracat-like persona wearing a [Spanish] dress and a corset that reveals a lot of cleavage with two Sawk-shaped emitters tied to to the dress by roses and thorny vines. While her head is human-like Carmen wears a Torracat mask over the top half of her head and keeps a lit cigar in her mouth.
- Reynardine: The initial Pokésona of Oscar. A shiny wereNinetales-like standing on digitigrade legs and wearing black and silver 19th century clothes. The black pants have a hole in the back for the nine tails and wears a silver dress shirt under a black vest with silver embroidery under an Alolan Ninetales-themed cape and hood. The hood is always up and obscures Reynardine's face with shadows, although his golden eyes can still be seen.
- Psyche: The initial Persona of Psyche, a veiled Gothorita.
- Kanna Kamui: The intial Persona of Corrin, a blue Jangmo-o wielding a sword.
- Zorro: The initial Pokésona of Morgan, a black Gallade with a wide-brimmed hat that covers the top half of his head like a mask wearing a long black cape.
- Bluetongue Lizard: The initial Persona of Rose, an odd, old blue-tongued man with Krookodile-red clothes and a cane.
- Galen: The initial Pokésona of Doc, an Audino with larger than normal ears wearing a toga and holding a caduceus entwined with two Snivy. (Ability: Healer)
- Puck: The initial Pokésona of Oberon, a Mimikyu with rainbow Yanma wings in an Eevee costume wielding a wooden dagger.
- Amphirite: The initial Pokésona of Christina, an anthromorphic Popplio wearing a necklace of pearls and a simple white dress.
- Eris: The initial Pokésona of Susan, a Lopunny one and a half-times her size wearing her clothing and holding a golden apple inscribed with the words "To the fairest".
- Mercury: The initial Persona of Colton, a Rockruff with a flaming scruff and folded up Starly wings on the back of his paws. (Ability: Vital Spirit)
- Rue: The initial Persona of Elizabeth, a large, black-furred Espurr with a patch of white fur on their chest.
- Fomortiis: The initial Persona of F!Grima, a winged Deino with an elongated body.
- Hastur: The initial Persona of Ludmilla, a Jynx wearing a yellow cloak.
- Arachne: The initial Pokésona of Crochet, a Spinarak-themed Sewaddle with silk threading from her mouth into a spinning wheel. (Ability: Swarm)
- Mimic: The initial Pokésona of Shift, a treasure chest with teeth.
- Medeus: The initial Persona of Julius, a purple Turtonator with dorsal spines, red eyes, and small wings.
- Azumi-no-isora: The initial Persona of Tagg, a Mudkip with a green front and tan back, blue eyes, extra fins on the back of its limbs, and what appears to be a Blue Orb embedded in its forehead.
- Cu Chulainn: The initial Persona of Ian, a purple-haired Ralts wearing a white cape and wielding a spear.
- Triton: The initial Persona of Kimberly Bond, a regal looking Shiny Popplio carrying a trident.
- Isis: The initial Persona of Evelyn, a Ralts wearing a gold silk scarf inlaid with lapis lazuli and amethyst, a ruby amulet, and a golden crown inlaid with an amethyst tyet on it weilding a small green staff.
Evolved Personas and Pokésonas
- Illapine: The evolved form of Gulduar, a Lopunny covered in green, glowing sigils that spiral to every limb and all the way up to its face, where they dart underneath a heavy black blindfold, wielding twin glaive swords.
- Archimedes: The evolved form of Pythagoras, a Porygon2 head light construct with a new high-tech chair, complete with an expanded holo-keyboard and holo-display with extra functionality. The stone figurehead is replaced with a bronze statue of a [Greek] man with curly hair and beard in leather robes holding a sphere and cylinder sitting astride the head.
- Merlin: The evolved form of Abe no Seimei. A human-like Delphox Persona with a visor and plate made of immaculately carved and polished white ash and inlaid with polished brass, ivory, and copper. The fur looks like a western-style sorcerer's robes and is wearing a gracefully backwards-curving conical wizard's hat. Merlin wields a long, thin mahogany rod with a octahedronal sapphire in the handle.
- Ali Baba: The evolved form of Bluetongued Lizard, a Krokorok-themed man with a bag of gold hanging off his hip and dual wielding twin scimitars.
- Ahemait: The evolved form of Mercury, a Dusk Lycanroc with flaming scruff, a small sandstorm about his coat, and a feather in his mouth which serves as a means of attack.
Ultimate Personas and Pokésonas
- Nyx: SleepyHead's Ultimate Pokésona. A Hypno-like Pokésona wearing a black dress with thorns and poppy blooms weaved in to it, is wearing a necklace of red-skull shaped jewels, and the hood has formed into a Noibat-shaped cowl.
- Reynaert: Ren's Ultimate Persona. A Delphox-like figure like its previous forms, but with the face visor made of platinum and gold inlaid with bright-red rubies and with fur with the appearance of a wealthy 19th century Kalosian’s long coat, suit, and a silk top hat. Reynaert wields a knob-handle cane made of rosewood with silver filigree and a prismatic spherical diamond orb in the handle.
- Akami: Pent's Ultimate Persona. A Lopunny-like figure that is hunched forward. The green sigils are now black and shadow-like. Akami wields a glaive in one hand and dual hand-scythes in the other. One eye has been gouged out and glows a light blue.
- Tsukuyomi: Mondo's Ultimate Pokésona, a red-eyed Clefable wielding a black flaming sword while wearing a golden mask with a loose brown sleeveless coat and white ascot, with a dark flaming crescent emerging from its head. The coat has a red and black collar and reveals a white and black interior.
- Asura: Dune's Ultimate Persona, an Excadrill covered in ornate tattoos and filigree, with an accentuated waist wrap made of Arcanine hide.
- Xochipilli: Joseph's Ultimate Persona, a shirtless humanoid figure wearing green pants that appear to be made of leaves, with vines and flower scarves swaddling his chest. A leaf covers his mouth.
- Nostradamus: Mendel's Ultimate Persona, a translucent Porygon-Z head with astrological symbols orbiting around it, held aloft with a giant ghostly hand as two eyes peer into it from the clouds.
- Arthur: Des's Ultimate Persona, a kingly knight clad in gold and white full plate armor with a purple and black scarf wrapping around its limbs wielding an Aegislash.
- Daedalus: Deziree's Ultimate Pokésona, a gigantic bronze Magnezone bristling with weaponry.
Other Personas and Pokésonas
- Metatron: Silver giant clockwork Gallade with Pidgeot wings wearing a white and gold sash.
- Yoshitune: Scizor with Scyther arms.
- Helel: Giant karate gi-less Gogoat horned-Sawk with six Swanna wings wearing a white sash.
- Sandalphon: Golden giant clockwork Gallade with Pidgeot wings wearing a green and red sash.
- Moloch: A being with an Steelix's tail attached to the upper body of a Kommo-o with a Sawk's upper body attached where the Kommo-o's head should with the head of a Tauros.
- Murasaki Kagami: An Espeon-themed mirror with the reflection of a human woman with long silver hair and Umbreon eyes in the glass.
- Asmodeus: A demonic looking Haxorus with blood-red scales.
- Surt: A purple Mega Blaziken with red streaks on its body, wielding a sword made of fire.
- Suzaku: A pure red Ho-oh with Unfeazant tail feathers in five colors.
- Loki: Blue-skinned Mr. Mime with Noivern wings and a full head of long, blonde hair, clad in a skintight black leather suit tightened with countless belts and silver buckles.
- Orthus: Two-headed Arcanine with a spiny black Krookodile tail.
- Baal Zebul: A blue-skinned Throh wearing a striped fur sash and holding a staff made of a human spine and skull.
- Golem: Robotic yellow and silver Golurk with pistons sticking out.
- Seiryu: A long Drampa with ruby-red eyes and golden Sawsbuck antlers.
- Inugami: A long, white Mienshao with a black head.
- Kaiwan: A Starmie with a Mr. Mime's head replacing the center jewel.
- Ubelluris: Regirock with red eyes.
- Necronomicon: Paula's Persona, a fabric-bound book with bits of fluff resembling ambiguous Unown.
- Attila the Hun: Armored Kommo-o.
- Hetfield: Daniel's Persona, a Humanoid Banette.
- Zurvan: Persona of Cassidy the Perfected, a centauroid being that has the twisted, mangled silhouette of a Victini from the waist up, stretched and elongated to nearly human proportions with flame-encrusted Articuno wings on its back. From the waist down, the arms and tail of an Eelektross, with a biting maw where the neck would be.
Inhabitants of the Velvet Room
- Igor: An Abra with a long snout. Was originally an Abra plushie that was brought to life and empowered by Philemon.
- Margaret: Golden-eyed Gothitelle that has primarily blue coloration dressed as a elevator attendant.
- Elizabeth: Golden-eyed Gothorita that has primarily blue coloration dressed as a secretary.
- Marie: An empowered Elekid with a blue hat.
- Caroline and Justine: Golden-eyed Magnemite wearing jailer's hats.
- Theodore: Golden-eyed Gallade that has primarily blue coloration wearing a bellhop's uniform.
- Nameless: An empowered Dusknoir with a blue velvet blindfold.
- Belladona: Gardevoir with hair that curls upwards and wears a purple evening gown with purple gems in a Beautifly pattern.
- Demon Painter: Smeargle wearing a black turtleneck sweater.
- Philemon: Philemon's true form is an empowered Shiny Ditto, although he generally takes the form of a tiny blue and black Beautifly or a human man wearing a white mask with Beautifly wings painted on the right side.
Shadows and Other Enemies
Normal Shadows
- Hablerie Family:
- Slipping Hablerie: Shadows that look like pink-and-black striped Water/Ghost eyeless Gastly with Gengar-like mouths (Ability: Unnerve)
- Forgotten Hablerie: Shadows that look like lavender and sky blue-striped Dark/Ghost eyeless Gastly with Gengar-like mouths. (Ability: Flash Fire)
- Lying Hablerie: Shadows that look like black and white-striped Flying/Ghost eyeless Gastly with Gengar-like mouths. (Ability: Prankster)
- Flattering Hablerie: Shadows that look like Ice/Ghost eyeless Gastly with Gengar-like mouths that are bright-red with a vibrant-green stripe. (Ability: Heatproof)
- Agitating Hablerie: Shadows that look like Steel/Ghost eyeless Gastly with Gengar-like mouths that are half-cyan and half-red with red zigzags on the cyan half. (Ability: Lightningrod)
- Raindrop Castles: Shadows that look like reddish Golem with castle-like structures growing out of their bodies.
- Mythical Gigas: Shadows that look like white Machoke with bright red markings wearing black tights and metal wristbands
- Grave Beetle: Shadows that look like black Heracross with spiked purple masks on their horns
- Nizam Beast: Shadows that look like Luxray resembling Foudre with masks for faces attached to a ball and chain that looks like Psyche's face as an Elegy of Emptiness Statue (Ability: Guts).
- Large Basalt: Shadow that looks like a particularly castle fortress-esque Forretress. (Ability: Filter)
- The Reaper: Extremely powerful Shadows with the upper body of a Duskinoir with a bloodied torso and face, the lower body of a Mismagius with tattered ghastly robes, two impossibly long barreled handguns clenched in its hands, and an incredibly heavy chain wrapped over its torso in an X-pattern.
- Raven Family:
- Black Raven: Shadows that look like Murkrow with Steel/Fire typing with no eyes; charred hats; and long, narrow beaks that carry a lantern. They have brass masks embedded in their chests. (Ability: Clear Body)
- Vicious Raven: Shadows that look like Murkrow that have Dark/Flying typing and no eyes; charred hats; and long, narrow beaks that carry a lantern. They have red masks embedded in their chests and the tips of their wings and tails have fire-red tips. (Ability: Flash Fire)
- Phantom Mage: Shadows that look like Xatu wearing a black cloak and holding a lantern. (Ability: Magic Bounce)
- Flower Killer: Demons that look like a Florges with beady red eyes and teeth made of steel needles.
- Jubokko: Demons that look mostly like a Trevenant with a dark trunk and blood-red leaves. (Ability: Flash Fire)
- Ghoul: Demons that look like a Normal/Ghost bandaged Dusclops (Ability: Mummy)
- Mot: Demons that resemble a Steel/Ghost Cofagrigus lacking spikes and a mouth, with eyes replaced with two angry red lights and clawed hands. (Ability: Cursed Body)
- Pixie:
- Demons that look like a pale Togetic with Butterfree wings (Ability: Pixelate)
- Demons that look like a humanoid girl in a yellow dress and matching ribbon tying their pigtails with Butterfree wings. (Ability: Compoundeyes)
- Stymphalides: Demons that look like metallic, Steel/Flying Fearow. (Ability: Sniper)
- Tuofei: Demons that look like human-faced Hoothoot (Ability: Lightningrod)
- Jack Frost: Demons that look like white, black-eyed Pikachu wearing a blue jester-like hat and matching collar.
- Black Frost: Demons that look like black, red-eyed Pikachu wearing a purple jester-like hat and matching collar. (Ability: Thick Fat)
- Juno: Demons that look like a Mega Gardevoir with a black body wearing a white mask and a crimson gown.
- Yamato Takeru: Demons that look like a Mega Gallade wearing a long, thin white helmet with a black visor, and an outfit reminiscent of Imperial [Japanese] Army officer uniforms.
- Helios: Demons that look like a humanoid Liepard wearing a black double-breasted suit with white lace cuffs and matching collar.
- Maso: Demons that look like a Gothitelle wearing a cerulean coat with gold trim with puffy shoulders and a matching tall, floppy hat. Maso also wears a simple white mask with a tear painted on it and white silk gloves.
- Io: Demons that look like a slender Jynx in a pink dress chained to a seat shaped like a Tauros' head.
- Orobas: Demons that look like Fire/Fighting Machoke with a Rapidash's head and back legs, and gold and orange flames. (Ability: No Guard)
- Caesar: Demons that look like Golurk made out of white marble with a black face and red eyes. They carry a Honedge-shaped sword and a globe of the earth in their hands. There is a hollow cavity in their chest which houses a throne with an indeterminate figure sitting upon it.
- Satan: A massive and horrific demon with a human skull-like head but with a hideous body made up of various body parts that are both human and Pokémon.
- Berith: Demons that look like red knights on Ponyta-back.
- Eligor: Demons that look like black knights on Rapidash-back.
- Succubus: Demons that look like a horned humanoid girl with a green shirt and dyed jeans and a single ponytail bunched up with a green scrunchie with Houndoom-like faux-bone structures attached to their dress. (Ability: Flash Fire or Early Bird)
- Silky: Demons that look like a red-scrunchied, ponytailed Gardevoir with green skin and a red dress. (Ability: Trace or Synchronize)
- Northern Shadow: A jet-black Noctowl-like demon.
- Azoth: An Aegislash-like demon with Machamp arms. (Ability: No Guard)
- Sylph: A Togekiss-like demon. (Ability: Serene Grace)
- Gnome: A Ground/Electric Alolan Golem-like demon. (Ability: Rock Head)
- Undine: A Water/Ghost Vaporeon-like demon. (Ability: Water Absorb)
- Salamander: A Fire/Dragon Charizard-like demon. (Ability: Blaze)
- Lusca: A Sharpedo-like demon with Octillery tentacles coming out of its back-end. (Ability: Speed Boost)
- Blob: A Muk-like demon with Ariados legs. (Ability: Dry Skin)
- Helhound: A Houndour-like demon with their head and neck replaced with a green flame. (Ability: Flame Body)
- Myrmex: A Steel/Fighting golden Durant-like demon wearing royal purple whose bits turn into indigo Porygon parts. (Ability: Steely Spirit)
- Mothman: A Mothim-like demon with elongated limbs.
- Worker Cyst: A demon resembling a fleshy polyp.
- Lares: Unown-like demons that act as spotlights. (Ability: Hustle or Illuminate)
Bosses and Mini Bosses
Shadow Selves
- Shadow Mondo: Golden-eyed Clefairy wearing a chef hat with an apron that reads "<3 the baker". His Berserked form is a giant Clefairy plushie that wears a red fur cape and a golden crown wielding a golden scepter.
- Shadow SleepyHead: A golden-eyed Hypno. Her berserked form is a giant, golden-eyed Hypno with a fluffier than normal neckfluff tied into a ponytail. She has two golden Hoopa-like rings around her arms and another around her waist.
- Shadow Joseph: Berserk form is a Grass/Psychic unnaturally tall and thin Gardevoir taking the appearance of an old, crumbly statue covered in vines, spores, flowers, and leaves. (Ability: Chlorophyll)
- Shadow Jacob/Soul: Berserk form is a massive humanoid figure with default Dark/Normal typing covered in wrappings with an Aggron skull for a head - one eye scarred and empty, the other socket with only a floating red light- metal plated hands and shins, with a long tail. His signature attack is Paradigm Shift, which allows him to change his typing. (Ability: Filter)
- Shadow Lane: Berserk form is a large obsidian, black Rock/Ground Typhlosion with glimmering red tribal markings on its hide, wielding an obsidian javelin in one hand and a tower shield as large as it is formed from Reverse Decarabia in the other. (Ability: Blaze)
- Shadow Lisa: Berserk form is a giant Fire/Psychic Talonflame with the features of a Beheyeem, including green eyes and multicolored, circular stubs for talons. A pile of treasure and broken paintings is at her feet. Her signature attack is "Butler's Aide", which allows her to summon Moh Shuvuu indefinitely. (Ability: Flame Body)
- Shadow Ren: Berserk form is a giant Chimeric centaurish Poké-beast made up of parts of the various Delphox, Nintales, Zoroark, and the Eeveelutions; with Delpox and Nintales being dominates in the combination. The main body is that of a Ninetales, with Zoroark forelimbs for limbs, and each of his nine tails is that of an individual Eevee line member. Where the Ninetales' head would be is a Delphox's upper body, its torso covered by a white dress shirt and a high-collared, bright-red cropped jacket with bell-sleeves. The head is more human-like but with Delphox ears, while the face is covered by a reflective half-black/half-white angular mask that has evil-red energy forming a demonic face on the mask's surface. Finally, a wickedly-tall, evil-black top hat rests on Shadow Ren's head as a matching opera cape constantly flares and swirls from Shadow Ren's shoulders. He has Fire/Normal typing and access to all the movesets of all foxmons (the Eevee, Fennekin, Vulpix, and Zorua lines) and his signature attack, Energy Drain, which drains HP and PP from the targets to restore Shadow Ren. (Ability: Tinted Lens)
- Shadow Dune/Frozen King: Humanoid form is a Dune ice sculpture. Berserk form is a giant, armored frozen Ice/Ghost Rhyperior with the ability to make monochrome copies of the Contractors who come out of mirrors.
- Shadow Galvani and Shadow Deziree/ Desperate Phantom: A shadow self formed from the fusion of two Shadow selves, resulting in a large black Gengar with long, clawed arms wearing a tattered robe. It wears a mask that is made of two other masks - one mask representing Juno, and the other representing Raijin. Two of the back spines are long, curved and razor sharp. Within is the true Shadow Deziree, taking the form of a rusted skeleton. It has triple Ghost/Ice/Electric typing and the Ability Mold Breaker.
- Shadow F!Grima: F!Grima wearing the basic Tactician outfit. Berserk form is an elongated Hydregion wielding a blade resembling a corrupted Falchion and the tome Grima's Truth in either hand, six wings keeping it aloft as it curls. The central neck, instead of terminating in a head, terminates into the Shadow's waist. The other two necks terminate in Grima-esque heads. Capable of using Grima's Expiration skill.
- Shadow Tagg: Berserk form is a giant, scarred Swampert with the Infinity Judge in his right hand and a Dialga-themed sword in his left with half its blade missing, while being held up with strings attached to a golden God Hand puppeteering it. His signature attack is "Lahar", a move that does both Water and Ground type damage and lowers Speed. (Ability: Swift Swim)
- Shadow Kai/Robin Hood: Berserk form is a more directly Toxicroak-themed Rogue with three other Toxicroak-esque demons assisting; Grunt, Runt, and Brute. (Ability: Poison Touch; Robin Hood and Brute, Dry Skin; Runt, Anticipation; Grunt)
Demon Mini Bosses
- Lachesis: Ariados wearing a black sheet-like dress with Scizor claws for front limbs. (Ability: Insomnia)
- Clotho: White-dressed Leavanny with a black cloth circling her lower abdomen.
- Atropos: A dress-wearing Scizor with a black cloth encircling her head.
- Norn: Celebi with clock hands emerging from her back surrounded by two golden hoops with roman numerals inscribed on them, golden images of Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos visible at the 2, 6, and 10 spots respectively.
- Titania: A Fairy/Grass-type Gardevoir-like demon with green arms and legs and Yanmega wings (Ability: Flower Gift)
- Oberon: A Fairy/Bug-type Gallade-like demon that has has red and gold coloration and Beautifly wings (Ability: Tinted Lens)
- Daisoujou: A Ghost/Fire-type Sawk-like demon wearing long Buddhist robes and holding a golden bell. Daisoujou's signature attack is Samsara, a Fairy-type OHKO move which can hit multiple targets and has variable accuracy based on type match-ups. (Ability: Flash Fire)
- Medea: Black Rapidash
- Moh Shuvuu: A Honchkrow-like demon in butler's garb resembling Sholto in normal form, becomes partially humanoid but still mostly avian while attacking. (Ability: Super Luck)
- Hugin and Mugin: A Honchkrow-like demon duo. The Ice/Flying Hugin is covered with an electric aura, while the Electric/Flying Munin is covered by a mini-snowstorm. Their signature move is Storm of the Century, which can do massive damage if allowed to reach 100%. (Ability: Snow Warning and Motor Drive)
- Alice: An Ice/Dark-type Smoochum-like demon with a royal-blue and white body and pale blonde hair. Alice's signature attack is Die For Me!, a high accuracy move that always does 1 HP worth of damage unless its secondary effect triggers, which causes a OHKO. The effect rate is 25%, but that rate drops by 5% if used consecutively. (Ability: Serene Grace)
- Mara: A ten foot tall Fighting/Dark type Throh-like demon with both a normal Throh's head and a Torkoal's head with a long neck and yellow eyes growing out of its stomach. Both heads emit a foul-smelling smoke from their nostrils. Mara's signature attack is Stagnant Air, which doubles the chance of status effects activating. (Ability: Magic Bounce)
- Sleipnir: A six-legged Steel type Rapidash-like demon covered from head to hoof in metal armor. His signature move is Blueshift, a OHKO move activated once his Speed stat is maxed out. (Ability: Speed Boost)
- Fenrir: An ice-covered, spiky Manectric-like demon.
- Ymir: An ice-covered, metallic Ice/Dark type Golurk-like demon.
- Glasyabo: A reptilian-looking canid demon with Kecleon eyes and fleshy wings.
- Ironclad Myrmidon: A centaur-esque Dark/Steel demon that has the lower body of a Rapidash and upper body of an Armortomb.
- White Rider: A cloaked, crown wearing Dark/Ghost Dusknoir-like demon riding atop a white Rapidash with its flanks and neck covered in eyes. His signature move is God's Bow, a Fairy type move that OHKO's one foe upon connecting. (Ability: Sniper)
- Veilstone's Myth: A larger than normal, archaic-looking Honedge wielded by a mannequin.
- Paracelsus: A Fairy/Fighting Mega Gardevoir/Mega Gallade-esque demon with a single central eye. (Ability: Pixelate)
- Aegis of Spectra: A shield resembling a Bastiodon's head wielded by a mannequin.
- New Moon Beast: A massive Dark/Poison-type Salazzle-like demon covered in either needles or protofeathers. (Ability: Rough Skin)
- Changeling: A Fairy-type fabric-bound book with bits of fluff resembling ambiguous Unown coming out of it with shapeshifting abilities. (Ability: Rip and Restuff)
- Tom Fool: A Ghost/Dark Blacephelon-like demon. (Ability: Contrary)
- Garrick: A Steel/Dark Golurk-like demon with a castle turret like head wearing metal armor. (Ability: Filter)
- Odetta: A Water/Fairy demon resembling a woman with Swanna parts and a large, poofy dress. (Ability: Dancer)
- Hel: A Fire/Ice horned Froslass-like demon encased in an ice shell reminiscent of a Turtonator. Her signature move is Freezer Burn, an Ice-type move that does both Ice and Fire-type damage and can cause burns. (Ability: As One; Ice Face/Summoner variant; Unique Ability that allows her to summon 1-2 Hellhounds at will.)
- Abaddon: An Alolan Muk-like demon with an Alolan Grimer's coloration, its mouth filled with a full set of human-like teeth. (Ability: Gluttony)
- Revy: A Steel/Fairy humanoid covered in Mykmekes transfigured into Dunsparce. (Ability: Schooling)
- Kim-un-kamuy: A giant Ursaluna-like demon.
Palace Rulers
- Plutus: The berserk form of Shadow Robinson, a Ghost/Psychic Spiritomb-esque Shadow made of numerous spirits. (Ability: Cursed Body)
- Vulcanus: A giant Heatran-like demon. (Ability: Heat Shield)
- Deus Ex Machina: The berserk form of Shadow Owen, a Steel/Grass Silvally-esque Shadow made of clockwork and biotech. (Ability: As One; Filter/Protean variant)
Reverse Personas and Pokésonas
- Reverse Decarabia: A Reverse Pokésona that looks like a normal Decarabia, but has Fire/Dark typing. (Ability: Technician)
- Magastu-Izanagi: The Persona of Edward Thames. A Reverse Persona representing Izanagi during his escape from Yomi, taking the form of a humanoid, blood stained Aggron.
- Edward Thames: A human man from Orre, whose powerful negative desires drew Izanami and her Guardians to him. Under the influence of Izanami, Thames attempted to unleash the Fog of Deception throughout the world. In the end, Thames and his army of Reapers were defeated by the Contractors - with Dune and Verax teaming up to take down Thames and Magatsu Izanagi while the others defeated the Army of Reapers.
- Possessed!Psyche: Possessed by Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, Pyche was given the power of the Wild Card and forced to fight the Contractors. The ability to summon and use any demon as a Persona quickly proved to be too much for the Contractors to handle. It wasn't until Mendel unlocked his Ultimate Persona, Nostradamus, and his boost mode, were the tables able to be turned.
- Mikuratana-no-Kami: The One Who Yearns and The Embodiment of The Desire for Bonds. The first of guardians The Contractors encounter. She has an innate power to negate and even remove anything that could cause "harm". Her signature spell is called Eerie Song. Eerie Song weakens all who hear it and tempts the victims with the promise of happiness if the victim will connect with Mikuratana-no-Kami. Mikuratana-no-Kami has no known attacks, abilities, or typing. Mikuratana-no-Kami's true form is a colossal being that is like a Muk with Spiritomb eyes and faces protruding out from various parts of her body.
- Hi-no-Kagutsuchi: The Embodiment of Fire, Bloodshed, and the Destruction of Bonds and the second Guardian the Contractors encounter. Made up of mostly of smoke and flames, Hi-no-Kagutsuchi true form is of a Vigoroth with teeth and plated armor like Primal Groudon's, and a blade-like horn on its muzzle. In addition to his mastery over flames and hand to hand combat, Hi-no-Kagutsuchi has the ability to take any form he desires, create flesh puppets, possess other sentient beings, and create the Crimson Fog.
- Kunino-Sagiri The Spirit of the Fog that Covers the Land. Is the third guardian defeated by the Contractors. A giant Mr. Mime-like being with a Chimecho's antenna growing from the top of his head as a giant Klinklang rotates on the antenna. Rather than attacking himself, Ameno-Sagiri uses Klang-like constructs to control his victims, making them fight each other and protect him. After briefly losing the upperhand against the Contractors, Ameno-Sagiri took control of all the Contractors and attempted to have them all kill themselves. His attempt was thwarted and Ameno-Sagiri soundly defeated when the Evolved Starter Pokéonas arrived to save their former partners.
- Kusumi-no-Okami: The Denier and the Drainer of the Fog, and the being that is the other part of Marie. The fourth guardian to be defeated, Kusumi-no-Okami was found by Verax, Jacob, and Edge as they explored and investigated the Silent Forest. Sensing danger Kusumi-no-Okami summoned Marie to her location and Possessed her. Taking the form of a black and white Electavire with red Gardevoir drapings, Kusumi-no-Okami attempted to defeat the Iridis Twins and Edge until the battle went on too long and Marie was able to assert her will and absorbed Kusumi-no-Okami into herself, making Marie whole and restoring much of her memories and powers.
- Ameno-Sagiri: The Spirit of the Fog that Covers the Heavens. The final guardian the contractors defeated. Ameno-Sagiri was the one chosen by Izanami to fulfill the groundwork need to cover the world in the Fog of Deception. Manipulating Thames to achieve the ends Izanami wanted, Ameno-Sagiri discarded Thames when the man surrendered to the Contractors. Declaring himself as the source of the Fog and the Fulfiller of the Wishes of Humonity, Ameno-Sagiri engaged the Contractors in his true form of a giant Electrode with a single large eye and covered with Giratina spikes. However, while Ameno-Sagiri was defeated, it allowed her to fully regain her powers.
- Izanami: The escaped prisoner and the one who created the Fog of Deception. Her true form is a pure white Altaria with red eyes. In order to face the Contractors Izami took her Bounded Form - a slender Jynx bound in white cloth and leather straps with only her black hair escaping from within the wrappings. While not able to take the Contractors down in her Bounded Form, she shifted to her Released Goddess Form that allowed her to use all her power, Izanami-no-Okami. Now a titanic figure of made of the Skeleton of a ten-armed female Machoke, and where the head would be sits the Jynx from her Bounded Form, now free of the bindings, displaying the rotting Jynx corpse with decaying black hair. Iznami-no-Okami attempted to sink the contractors into an inescapable illusions with her Thousand Curses until Lisa finally accepted her insecurities and achieved her Ultimate Persona, an action that resonated across the contractors and breaking the Thousand Curses. Lisa lead the final charge where the Contractors unleashed a baragge of their Personas' signature moves weakening Izanami enough for Hoopa Unbound to seal her away in her prison dimension again.