Poppy Campbell

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Name: Poppy Campbell
Nickname/Alias: N/A
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Age: 13
Height: 1.4m/4.59318ft
Ethnicity: Hoennian
Birthday: 11/25/2009
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: 45793
Home: Fortree City
Pokéform: N/A
Starter: Donut
Status: Alive

Poppy Campbell is a Trainer on a journey with Pokemon to become stronger - so she can save others, ever since she failed to save her brother.


Once Poppy sets her mind onto something, she does not stop. She's willing to fulfill her goals no matter what (good thing she's not a criminal), and she's a bit clever too. She's very protective of her Pokemon and her friends as well. Ever since her brother was badly injured and placed in a coma, she deep down blames herself for it and strives to become stronger.


She has brown hair that goes down to the shoulders, blue eyes, and is typically seen wearing a t-shirt with jeans. She also wears a yellow hat, and carries a purse around to keep her belongings, like her Pokeballs and her Rotom Phone.


Before the Journey

Poppy spent her life growing up in Fortree City in the Hoenn region, staying home with her mother. As for her father, he ran a ranch located on the outskirts of town, and stayed there one weekend every fortnight. And she didn't see her brother as much since he became a Pokemon Ranger. One day when her 12th birthday was coming up, however, when her dad asked her what she'd like to become, Poppy did not know what to answer with. Was she going to become stronger via challenging the Gyms? Or follow in her brother's footsteps and become a Pokemon Ranger? And that's not even to mention the Pokemon Contests they had in the region as well as some other regions. She just didn't know. On her 12th birthday, however, she received a gift from her brother, which seemed to be a small box with a letter. The letter said that one day, while on a mission, he ended up discovering a Pokeball that had a Pokemon inside but didn't seem to belong to a trainer, and he decided that he'd give it to her as a birthday gift. She opened the Pokeball and out came a Cyclizar, as he became her partner Pokemon, and she gave him a name: Donut. A year later, on her 13th birthday, she got to accompany her brother on one of his missions to see what being a Ranger is like up close. The mission went smoothly as all she did was follow her brother and stay behind him to be safe, but now she still hadn't decided whether she was going to become a Trainer, a Coordinator, or a Ranger. So her parents decided on something - they teamed up, went out and bought Pokeballs, a purse, and other equipment she would need on a journey (camping equipment, Cyclizar riding equipment etc) and the next day, told her she was going on a journey, to her shock! They made her promise she'd find a goal and see it through, and she eventually hesitantly agreed - after 2 weeks of persuasion. So now all she had was Donut, and equipment for her upcoming journey: a journey to find a destination.

Hoenn Beginnings

After setting out on her journey, she soon ran into a Shroomish, as well as two Pokèmon Rangers, who decided to take her to see her brother in Slateport City. On the way, Poppy caught the Shroomish after he snuck on board the helicopter (much to Donut's dismay) and named him Shroomy. After reuniting with her brother, he suggested she train on Route 110, where she eventually encountered an injured Vulpix, who she took back to the Slateport Pokèmon Center. Soon after she caught Vulpix and named her Sunrise. She then decided to travel to Rustboro City and battled the city's Gym Leader, Roxanne, though she unfortunately lost the battle. Later, she went to Dewford Cave to rescue a boy, became trapped, as her brother, Brayden, then went to save the boy. She managed to catch an Aron, Crusher before passing out and waking up in the hospital, where she learned her brother was in a coma. From there, she knew what she had to do: travel the world, and become stronger, as she felt it was the least she could do ever since failing to save her brother.

Battle Strategy

Poppy, whenever she battles, uses whatever tricks her Pokemon have up their sleeves in hopes of getting the win. For instance, if she's battling with Donut, chances are she'll make use of his speed or his Shed Tail move. She takes losses well depending on her mental state at the time, if she's upset about something, chances are after losing a battle, she'll start to feel even worse. But if she's doing just fine, then the loss won't really bother her.

Notable Items

Rotom Phone (the latest model too - it can stretch out into a tablet!)


The Original Squad (Hoenn/Neo-Sinnoh Arc)



  • Poppy is the first PC to own a Cyclizar.
Poppy Campbell's Team
On Hand : Donut967Mini.pngShroomy286Mini.pngSunrise038Mini.pngCrusher306Mini.pngNessa131Mini.pngStormwind941Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea Arc