Sunrise (Poppy)

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Sunrise is Poppy's Ninetales, and the third she acquired during the Neo-Sinnoh Arc.


Sunrise is very, very fiery, but also determined. She was willing to help train Shroomy to help him evolve into Breloom, and she can get really fired up during battle. However, she has difficulty trusting Steel and Rock types after a misunderstanding between her and an old friend, who now has joined Poppy's team, Crusher.


Sunrise's backstory is tied with her fellow teammate, Crusher. Sunrise and Crusher were best of friends at one point - a fact that the Aron clan Crusher was a part of did not approve of. One day, Crusher heard rumours of a Fire Stone within Granite Cave, and decided to travel there with Sunrise in the hopes of helping her evolve. However, it was a trap to ruin their friendship, which worked as not only did Sunrise believe Crusher knew about this and had set her up, but she was also injured in the process and travelled by Pelipper to get to mainland Hoenn. After being rescued by Poppy, she decided to join her team.


  • Birthday: 7th of April, 2022
  • Age: 2
  • Met: Route 110
  • Ability: Drought
  • Ball: Poke Ball
  • Nature: Hardy
  • Headcanon Voice: Flame Princess from Adventure Time (voiced by Jessica DiCicco)
  • Likes: Battles, training, food
  • Dislikes: Poppy's strange behaviour, getting dragged along by Lila on one of her crazy adventures, when any of her nine tails are grabbed

Battle Strategy

When Sunrise is sent out of her Ball into battle, her Drought ability gets the sun going right off the bat, boosting her Fire-type moves. When paired with another Fire type in say, a Double Battle, this works well, but when paired with a Water type, it doesn't bode well. She uses a variety of move types to catch her opponents off guard, and sometimes she'll give them a good old dose of confusion via Confuse Ray.

Known Techniques

  • TypeFire.gif Flamethrower
  • TypePsychic.gif Extrasensory
  • TypeNormal.gif Quick Attack
  • TypeGhost.gif Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball
  • TypeGrass.gif Energy Ball
  • TypeGround.gif Scorching Sands


  • Poppy: Sunrise is grateful for Poppy, being her trainer and the one to rescue her after an injury.
  • Donut: The two have begun repairing their relationship.
  • Shroomy: The two get along due to finding respectable teammates in one another, and she wanted to help him evolve into Breloom.
  • Crusher: Despite the fact that the misunderstanding between them has been cleared, time will tell how the two will interact with one another. She was willing to save him during the Titan Orthworm battle, so perhaps she's warming up to him. She ultimately gives him the determination and support to overcome his fear of battling.
  • Nessa: She is very happy for Nessa's current state.
  • Stormwind: Much like Shroomy, Sunrise is often exasperated by Stormwind's antics. At first, she didn't even believe him, that Poppy was acting strange.
  • Lila: Sunrise decided to be friends with Lila just to keep an eye on her, which has led to many instances where Sunrise has had to hold Lila back from doing anything silly.
  • Pancake: Sunrise finds Pancake strangely adorable.
Poppy Campbell's Team
On Hand : Donut967Mini.pngShroomy286Mini.pngSunrise038Mini.pngCrusher306Mini.pngNessa131Mini.pngStormwind941Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea Arc