WAAPT:Current events

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This section archives relevant events in the roleplay by date to assist in finding information.

The most recent major events in the roleplay can be found in the Recap Page, which might sometimes be a week or two out of date.

Compare and contrast the Arc Index and the Background Lore Index.

Currently Playing

  • Hoenn-2
  • Return to the AU


  • [TS]: Time-shenanigan'd
  • [AU]: Taking place in the AU.
  • [Meta]: Real-world event.


Previously On: April 2015

May 1

  • Lucius and Sarah end up on a Mirage Island.
  • Jason, Jacob, and Ren all enter the latter's mindscape.

May 2

  • Battles rage within Ren's Mindscape.
  • Dune and Pent join the group in Renscape.
  • [TS] Sarah attains Thanatos' sword after Giratina devours him for blasphemy.
  • The group exits Renscape after claiming two Knights for Ren's aspects.

May 3

  • [TS] Dune, Pent, Jason, Jacob, and Ren continue to explore the lattermost's mindscape, destroying some some hostile monsters in the process.

May 4

  • [Meta] May the 4th be with you.
  • Eskay manages to figure out that the purple sword makes an excellent Auric Medium.
  • Iggy catches Bitter Root, a male Oddish.
  • [TS] The Group in Renscape confront General Dragias, gaining some magic in the process

May 5

  • [Meta] Cinco de Mayo.
  • [TS] [S] == Be Vyvyan
  • Maggie turns 17.
  • [TS] The Renscape group Defeats General Dragias and heads towards the ruins in the Lagnish Desert.
  • Xel'lotath turns Joseph into one of her thralls.

May 6

May 7

  • [TS] Renscape adventures continue.

May 8

May 9

  • Psyche returns, and Sarah's feelings for her are revealed to have returned as well.
  • [TS]In Renscape, [[Jacob Iridis|Jacob] forms a pact with the Black Knight, claiming the second Ark in the process.

May 10