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"You taste good!"

Spiny is Mezzo's Sharpedo.


  • Age: 1
  • Birthday: March 3
  • Nature: Impish
  • Ability: Rough Skin
  • Met: Off the coast of Tarocco Island (Carvanha)
  • Ball: Ultra
  • Favorite move: Bite
  • Likes: Swimming, biting things
  • Dislikes: Not being allowed to bite things


Spiny loves to bite anyone and everyone he meets. Though it's usually meant as a gesture of affection, his bites tend to hurt. Since he evolved, he has become a bit more restrained, but still bites anything when he gets the chance.

Abilities in Battle

Spiny is a fast and powerful physical attacker. While he mainly attacks with his teeth, he has been trained to use some other attacks. He cannot take hits well, but his Rough Skin ensures that the opponent attacking him will take some damage too.

Known moves:

  • TypeDark.gif Bite, Crunch. Assurance
  • TypeWater.gif Aqua Jet, Waterfall
  • TypeNormal.gif Slash, Rage, Focus Energy
  • TypeGround.gif Earthquake
  • TypeIce.gif Ice Fang


Mezzo caught Spiny in the Orange Islands while Surfing on Charybdis' back. She first met Spiny by having her foot bitten by him, and caught him soon after.


  • Has bitten nearly every single mon on Mezzo's team.


Felis is protective of his tail whenever Spiny is around, due to him having been bitten there before.

In the AU

Spiny was never caught in the AU and is likely still somewhere in the Orange Islands.

Mezzo's Team
On Hand : Felis510Mini.pngSunny0197Mini.pngButterscotch571ButterscotchMini.pngYin359Mini.pngCerberus229Mini.pngCharybdis0635Mini.pngXel'lotath687Mini.png
Boxed : Muramasa625Mini.pngSerket452Mini.pngDreadwing630Mini.pngSpiny 319Mini.pngBellatrix560Mini.pngNevermore430Mini.pngDemyx342Mini.png
Alternate Timeline : Mercury198Mini.pngShadow0197Mini.pngSickle470Mini.pngShiva478Mini.pngCrystallux615Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar