Paul (Kim) (Self-Demonstrating)
For best results, read this in the voice of Jess Harnell as Wakko Warner from Animaniacs. Or in the voice of Harnell doing a Paul McCartney impression sped up through a recording device. Either one works.
Hello! Is this thing on?
...It is?
Great! You know, I never imagined I'd get my own page here. I kind of feel like Kim doesn't really use me a lot anymore, which is a bit of a shame, considering that I'm her starter, but it sorta makes sense, really. She has all these other Pokemon with her, and I'm-- I'm pretty delighted to have all these new friends, y'know? Might as well share the spotlight with some of 'em. Besides, I'm not really the battlin' type, and I...
Sorry, am I rambling?
I'm really sorry 'bout that. Might as well introduce myself. I'm Paul. I'm Kim's Butterfree, and I'm her starter-- y'know, the first Pokemon she ever caught.
Well, technically she didn't catch me; she got me as a gift, but still, y'know, I'm the first one she ever owned. It's-- y'know, it's pretty fun to just sit around here and talk to you guys for a little while; tell ya 'bout how Kim got me and stuff like that, so...
Yeah, I think we should get started on that. If you want to, of course; I mean, I don't usually like talking about myself that much, y'know, but-- oh, you want to?
Well, in that case, then I'd be happy to share!
So I'd say that for the most part I'm pretty much like Paul himself, y'know, the Beatle I was named after. Pretty modest, really; pretty cheerful, y'know, generally a peacekeeper for all of Kim's other mons. Not really fazed much by anything, really; get me in front of a Fire-type mon or a Rock-type mon and I'll take to them pretty well, y'know? I mean, Kim's got Boseman, Elton, and George with her, and I'm not afraid of them; they're really great mons in their own right, really. Matter of fact, George and I get along pretty well, but you'll find more out about that later. Don't know if she's got a Rock mon though-- oh wait, she's got Gallag, I forgot. He's a pretty good mon, too, y'know; doesn't really like confrontation. He's a lot like me, really; I'm not one to get into fights often, I'm more the one who stops them, y'know- like...
There was this one time where Kim and I went to Rowan's lab to get a Sinnoh starter-- Kim has a Grotle named Kaylan; y'know that? Well, we went to the lab for the first time and he-- he'd gotten into a fight with one of the other starters. It was the Chimchar-- Ian's got him now, his name's Hanuman-- and the Chimchar was-- y'know, he was pretty angry at Kaylan, because apparently he'd bitten his tail while he was sleeping. And the fire burned Kaylan's mouth, so Kaylan was pretty angry with the Chimchar, y'know, and I saw this, and I figured, "well, I might as well do something". Y'know-- so I went up to Kaylan and I just talked to him and I asked him-- I asked him what was going on, and it turned out that he'd been dreaming about marshmallows. And-- and you know how it goes when you dream about food, y'know; you think that the nearest thing to you is the food, and that's what happened with Kaylan, and he bit the Chimchar's tail thinking it was a marshmallow, and-- and that's how the whole thing got started, y'know. So-- so I ended up, y'know, just talkin' to 'em, and the whole thing got solved in the end. Nobody needed to raise their voice or anything, y'know? And that's-- and that's kind of how I like things.
Now, of course, there are those times where-- y'know, everybody's got their limits, really, and that-- that includes me. So-- so there are those times where, y'know, I get a little bit miffed, and feel like I have to battle them. But even then, y'know, I-- I don't really start out with any Bug-type moves; I like using moves such as Sleep Powder or String Shot. Doesn't really do much to 'em, 'cept tie them up and put them to sleep, y'know, but-- but I haven't really been used much in battles. But it doesn't really bother me that much; I mean, I said before that I'm not really the type of Pokemon for battling, so...
So, anyways, there's-- there's probably one thing I really love, and that's music. Y'know, I-- I love music. Especially the music of the Beatles, y'know, I was named after Paul McCartney, and-- and I've really admired just how influential the Beatles were in the music industry, y'know-- I don't really think there'll ever be a band like them again. I mean, before Kim could even understand me, I'd just be flying around the streets singing "Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace", y'know, other Beatles songs like that. A-and-- I mean, I know Paul McCartney had other bands too, y'know, like-- like Wings, but-- I mean, as much as I love "Maybe I'm Amazed", which is a great song, I don't-- I don't really think that Wings has the same amount of impact that the Beatles did. Y'know, I tend to think of Wings more as a fun little Paul McCartney side project than anything else, really; y'know, it-- it's complicated. B-but I have nothing against Wings; I just-- I just like the Beatles more.
Oh! There's something else that I need to tell you. So-- so Kim was in the Battle of the Bands, right? And she-- she and Ian and Evelyn and a few of her mons formed this band called "New Dawn's Dreamers", and they wanted me to play the bass guitar. Now, I don't really know if Paul McCartney played the bass guitar, but it was still an honor to play it, and I really liked being in the band. I especially like the fact that Kaylan got to sing "Don't Look Back in Anger," because that's by-- that's by Oasis, and Oasis was directly influenced by the Beatles, so... yeah.
Anyways, let's-- let's move on.
So-- so there are plenty of people and Pokemon who've said to me-- y'know, they keep saying that I don't get used all that often, and that-- that I should get used more, since, y'know, since I'm Kim's starter. And I-- I guess that's true when you think about it, really, but honestly-- y'know, I don't really mind it all that much, really. Y'know, Kim's caught so many new friends over the course of her journey, so-- so I figure, y'know, might as well give the other mons a chance to shine. Plus, like I said, I-- I'm not really that much of the battling type, so I'm pretty much okay with it. Besides, I still love Kim, and I know that she loves me, too, y'know, she-- we played this game called Bond or Break one time, and I went up last, and I just trusted immediately that Kim would know who I was, y'know, and-- and she did. And then there was Jigsaw...
I'm assuming you-- do you want to know what happened? Regarding Kim and Jigsaw? Or-- or, y'know, should I just leave that out...?
It still haunts me to this day, honestly. Kim was really-- I think she was more distressed than I've ever seen her before, really. She was sobbing and crying and shaking and... y'know, I just felt really bad for her. Turns out that all of her negative thoughts were- they were getting amplified to about a thousand, y'know, and- and they were getting validated, and it was horrible. Believe me, neither me nor any of my friends want to have to deal with him again.
Speaking of new friends, though, I generally-- I'd say that since I'm the first Pokemon Kim owns, I'm kind of a leader towards the rest of Kim's mons. I don't-- I wouldn't say I'm very good at it, but I try. We have a few new friends now-- Kim caught these three other Bug-type Pokemon and I-- I'm sure you can guess what their names are, y'know; they're John, George, and Ringo, and-- and Kim calls them the Beatlemons, which makes sense really. Anyways-- I really like talking to them, and I generally try to keep the peace between them. B-but it gets hard, y'know, especially since-- y'know, Ringo's a very determined and plucky young lad, and George is pretty quiet unless he's talking to us, but John-- John and I have a very interesting relationship, really. Y'know, I wouldn't say we're necessarily enemies, but we do fight a lot-- probably more so than any other Pokemon on Kim's team. I mean, I do try to be as patient with him as I do with other members of the team, but John can be-- he can be difficult sometimes, honestly. Especially with his sarcasm. Sometimes I don't really think I quite get it, honestly, or-- or maybe I just take it better than most other mons on Kim's team, I don't know. Anyways... I- I mean, I feel like I've had plenty of experience with crazy personalities like theirs, y'know, especially given Orwell and Peechee and their whole... thing, but-- y'know, I don't really mind that. Some Pokemon just speak Newspeak and Nadsat, and sometimes I can't quite understand what they're saying, but that just makes it all the more fun, y'know?
Also, there's this thing Kim does when she catches a new Pokemon where she makes a personality profile about them. I don't think I have one yet, actually, but I'm pretty sure I'll get one, y'know. Or at the very least, it'll-- y'know, it'll be shown on screen at some point. So... so there's that.
- Met: Like I said before, I was-- y'know, I was given to Kim as a present for her 15th birthday by her father as a Caterpie, and I was caught in the Galar region, which is why I have this Liverpulidian accent, so...
- Ability: So-- so I have this ability, it- it's called Compound Eyes, and what it does is it-- you get a boost in accuracy, which is really nice, y'know, it allows your moves to be more effective. I don't really use it much, but it comes in handy when I need it, y'know?
- Favorite Move: It-- it has to be Sleep Powder. It definitely has to be Sleep Powder.
- Nature: It says my nature is Mild. Which I can understand, y'know, I'm-- many of Kim's mons have told me that I'm a pretty chill Pokemon. And-- y'know, given everything that I said before, it kind of makes sense, really.
- Characteristic: It also says that I like to relax. And I'll admit that I do. I definitely do- y'know, you'll-- you'll probably find me just sitting out in the sun on a few days, y'know, and-- and reading a book or something like that.
- Ball: A simple Poke Ball, really. All of Kim's mons are caught in Poke Balls; don't really know how she can tell them apart, but...
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
#{so 0 i 0 don't- 0 i 0 don't 0 know 0 if 0 you've 0 heard 0 the 0 news, 0 really, 0 but 0 we 0 all 0 have 0 typing 0 quirks 0 now} #{y'know 0 i 0 think 0 it's 0 pretty 0 fun 0 and 0 i 0 really 0 enjoy 0 how 0 mine 0 looks} #{it's 0 supposed 0 to 0 resemble 0 a 0 Submarine 0 and 0 all 0 words 0 that 0 are-- 0 that 0 are 0 in 0 titles 0 of 0 beatles 0 songs 0 or 0 are 0 puns 0 on 0 beatles 0 songs 0 or 0 beatles 0 albums 0 are-- 0 y'know 0 those 0 get 0 capitalized 0 and 0 italicized 0 like} #{Yesterday 0 i 0 found 0 this 0 White Album 0 sitting 0 on 0 the 0 Road 0 so 0 yeah 0 that 0 was 0 pretty 0 fun} #{oh 0 and 0 also 0 i 0 don't 0 use 0 ending-- 0 i 0 don't 0 use 0 punctuation 0 at 0 the 0 ends 0 of 0 my 0 sentences 0 really} #{everything 0 else 0 is 0 fair 0 game 0 though} #{the 0 other 0 beatlemons 0 all 0 have 0 variations 0 on 0 my 0 typing 0 quirk 0 by 0 the 0 way 0 and 0 i 0 think-- 0 i 0 think 0 that's 0 really 0 nice 0 honestly}
Known Moves
String Shot
Air Slash, Aerial Ace
Confusion, Psychic
Hyper Beam
Sleep Powder, Stun Spore
So here's a bit more info about me, just for the sake of sharing it:
- I mentioned before that I was named after Paul McCartney of the Beatles, and-- y'know, Kim tells me that the reason she named me after him was because I'm a Bug-type. It's a pun, really, beetles are-- they're a type of bug, everyone knows that, y'know, but I-- but I also think it had a bit of something to do with my personality, in a way. Especially since-- y'know, McCartney-- I think it's safe to call him the de facto leader of the Beatles, really, and he wrote a lot of songs about peace and love and all that other stuff-- and that-- that's pretty much who I am, if you know what I mean.
- So, I was-- I was the first of Kim's mons to become human, y'know, and it was-- it was a truly incredible experience, really. Wouldn't trade it for anything. I-- my human form is named Judas McCartney, and I- I'm sure you can guess where the "McCartney" part comes from, but "Judas"-- well, y'know the song "Hey Jude"? Yeah, that-- that's where that originates.
- I have two chat handles. The first-- the one I use for regular chats, y'know, ones that-- ones that aren't Hasslemon-- is BeatleflyJudas. Don't think I really need to explain where that one comes from, but-- but the second one; the Hasslemon one, that one is _butterflyCrossing_, or (BC). And that-- that one comes from-- you ever seen the cover of Abbey Road? The Beatles' most famous album? Well, that-- they're walking across this road called a zebra crossing, y'know, and so-- and so I wanted to make a kind of pun on that. Nothing much, really.
- So Kim selected-- she selected these two songs for me. She calls them "character themes"; one's my regular character theme and one's my Broadway character theme, and-- and my regular character theme is "Hey Jude". Great song; one of my all-time favorites, and pretty fitting for my personality when you consider why Paul McCartney wrote it. And then the other-- the other's from this musical called _The Prom_, and it's called "Love Thy Neighbor", and I-- and I think the title says it all, really. The song's about loving each other despite, y'know, despite any differences, and that's-- that's pretty much my philosophy in life, honestly.
- It-- it's really odd, isn't it, that I-- I'm the only member of the four Beatlemons to have a Liverpulidian accent. Considering that, y'know, the Beatles were all from Liverpool, you'd expect them all to have the same accent I do, but-- but no, John and George just have standard RP accents and Ringo is straight-up Cockney. Can't really fault the writers for that, really-- y'know, in the Beatles TV show, none of them had Liverpulidian accents, so it-- it makes sense, really.
So... so is that it? Yeah, that's it. I really hope we had a nice chat together, but I need to go now; Kim wants me for something. Don't know exactly what that thing is, but... yeah, she needs me.
Well, until next time!
Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace...