Proxy is Lillith's Porygon-Z.
Proxy is pretty much insane, and somehow seems to find its own outlandish conspiracy theories to be more believeable than things that have actually happened, such as events involving legendaries which it claims can't be true because it is not "logical". It has later been revealed that this may be partially because Proxy believes aliens were the ones responsible for the virus that infected her and left it unable to access certain data, although it is unclear what Proxy's personality was like before before this happened, so it may have been like this even before it got infected with the virus.
While genderless, Lillith and her other Pokémon seem to consider and refer to Proxy as a female.
Abilities in battle
Its ability is Download. It knows some powerful attacks, such as Hyper Beam, and knows how to use Electroweb.
Proxy was given to Lillith from her uncle, after Lillith asked him for help with increasing her chances of winning Pokémon battles. Before she was Lillith's Pokémon, however, she was one of the Porygon line members made to assist the workers at the place where Lillith's uncle works. However, there was a major flaw in Proxy's anti-virus programs that weren't discovered until it was too late, causing Proxy to get infected with a virus that left her in very bad shape. Lillith's uncle was able to get her working again, but was unable to restore Proxy's access to some of her original programming which had been corrupted by the virus.
While unable to do what she had been originally programmed to do, her battle programming and such were still working, and which is why Lillith's uncle decided to give Proxy to Lillith.
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