
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 01:21, 7 January 2022 by Goldenheart388 (talk | contribs)
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Caboose is Leonard Braker's Klefki, and the eleventh Pokemon he caught on his journey.



  • Met: The Wild Area
  • Ability: Prankster
  • Favorite Move: Torment
  • Nature: Naughty
  • Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown
  • Ball: Poke (caught offscreen)
  • Hasslemon typing quirk: capitalizeS thE lasT letteR iN a worD, anD neglectS endinG punctuatioN
A prospective Caboose gijinka, as done by Goldenheart388.

Known Moves

Caboose has not been seen using any moves as of yet.


  • Caboose was named after Michael J. Caboose, arguably the most iconic character in Red vs. Blue, due to his eccentric and somewhat airheaded demeanor. The name is also reflected in his typing quirk, as the caboose is the last car on a train, and Caboose only capitalizes the last letter in a word.
  • According to Goldenheart388, Caboose's Hasslemon handle is obtuseKeyring (OK). The abbreviation relates back to his species and demeanor, while also abbreviating to the common expression "OK", a reflection of Caboose's optimism.
  • According to Goldenheart388, Caboose's character theme is "I Gotchoo" by Bowling for Soup, his Japanese character theme is "Pockettari Monsutarii"- the final ending theme of the original series of the Pokemon anime- and his headcanon voice is that of Michael J. Caboose himself.
  • Caboose is the first character that Goldenheart388 has written for that was caught off-screen. He was going to be caught onscreen, but ended up getting caught offscreen shortly after Serkis began chasing him. The implication is that Serkis eventually found him and that Braker later caught him.
  • The descriptions of the Pokemon mentioned in "Pockettari Monsutarii" reflect the appearance and behaviors of the ten other Pokemon who were on Braker's team at the time of Caboose's capture:
    • "Round ones"/"Mr. Reliable"= Walter
    • "Hairy ones"/"Yellow ones"= Cuddles
    • "Thin ones"/"Mr. Energetic"= Jules
    • "Sharp ones"/"Red ones"= Romea
    • "Swimming ones"/"Ones that are a gaudy mix"= Serkis
    • "Running ones"/"Green ones"= Panto
    • "Ones sleeping morning, day, and night"/"Pink ones"= Charon
    • "Flying ones"/"Mr. Careless"= Lithium
    • "Ones that are hard to explain"/"Mr. Worrywart"= Scramble
    • "Burning ones"/"Mr. Relaxed That It'll Work Out Somehow"= Snoop
  • According to Goldenheart388, this was a coincidence that wasn't discovered until after she translated the song's lyrics.
Leonard Braker's Team
On Hand : Walter202Mini.pngCuddles596Mini.pngJules336Mini.pngRomea335Mini.pngSerkis658Mini.pngPanto122Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh