"Heeheeheeee! You fell for it~!"
Panto is Leonard Braker's Shiny Mr. Mime, and the sixth Pokemon he acquired on his journey.
While not as excitable as Cuddles or as derpy as Jules, Panto is still very much a fun-loving and exuberant individual. He is relatively lighthearted and playful, and enjoys playing practical jokes on other people and Pokemon, especially upon first meeting them. His first meeting with Serkis, for instance, had him pull out a joy buzzer prank when shaking Serkis' hand-- which Serkis was slightly amused by. Panto can also be a bit of a klutz sometimes, often tripping over his own two feet or over some other object. He can also sometimes trip over his words, and has a bit of an impediment wherein he shortens longer words or superlative adverbs- "snuggliest", for example, comes out as "snugglist", and "impediment" comes out as "impedent". Despite this, however, Panto is extremely eager to meet new people and Pokemon, especially J-Team members. In particular, he was excited to meet Serkis after hearing his story from his Woobat friends in the Reflection Cave, and was even more awed to learn soon afterwards that Serkis had been caught by Braker. He was also very excited to meet both Jules and Romea, and like Jules, didn't really seem to register Romea's sardonic behavior, instead being more awed by the fact that a Seviper liked Zangoose. Like Cuddles, Panto also enjoys hugs, though he much prefers to receive hugs from other people rather than give them himself. Regardless, he still happily accepted a hug from Cuddles when asked. Where Panto's personality shines the most, however, is in the heat of battle, during which he proves to be just as much of a prankster as outside of battle. Often, he starts the battle by setting up a Trick Room to make faster opponents move second (although Serkis took full advantage of that due to knowing two priority moves), and also enjoys using Baton Pass to switch himself out with other members of Braker's team. Thus far, he is the only one of Braker's mons to actively seem to have fun during battles, and he likes seeing other Pokemon (such as Serkis) enjoy themselves to. To him, battling is a game, and Panto is all too happy to make it as much fun as possible.
- Met: Route 11, Kalos
- Ability: Filter
- Favorite Move: Trick Room
- Nature: Impish
- Characteristic: Somewhat of a clown
- Ball: Poke
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
AlTeRnAtEs BeTwEeN CaPiTaL AnD LoWeRcAsE LeTtErS, WiTh ThE FiRsT LeTtEr Of EaCh WoRd AlWaYs BeInG CaPiTaLiZeD. SiMiLaR To GaMzEe'S QuIrK FrOm [HoMeStUcK], BaRrInG ThE AfOrEmEnTiOnEd CaVeAt AnD ThE PuNcTuAtIoN At ThE EnD.
Known Moves
: Trick Room, Psychic
: Dazzling Gleam
: Thunder Punch
: Baton Pass
- Panto's name is a shortening of the word pantomime, which serves as a reference to Panto's species.
- According to Goldenheart388, Panto's Hasslemon handle is practicalJoker (PJ). As a whole, the handle is a pun on the phrase "practical joker", which describes a prankster and serves as a descriptor of Panto's personality. However, the "practical" part also serves as a reference to Panto's practicality in battle, especially given his use of Trick Room. The "joker" part, meanwhile, could also serve as a reference to the joker card in a standard deck, which is usually represented by a clown or harlequin.
- According to Goldenheart388, Panto's regular character theme is "You May Be Right" by Billy Joel, his Broadway character theme is "Positoovity" from The Little Mermaid, and his headcanon voice is that of either Nancy Cartwright or the late Cristine Cavanaugh as Chuckie Finster from Rugrats.
- Panto's slight speech impediment came from a typing mistake that Goldenheart388 had when writing a post featuring him-- she accidentally mistyped "snuggliest" as "snugglist", and rather than correct her mistake, she instead liked the sound of it and decided to keep it.
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