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Buffy is Leonard Braker's Carnivine, and the thirteenth Pokemon he acquired on his journey.





  • Met: Eterna City
  • Ability: Levitate
  • Favorite Move: A tie between Stockpile, Spit Up, and Swallow
  • Nature: Lax
  • Characteristic: Loves to eat
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Ball: Great
  • Hasslemon typing quirk: All i'NstaNces Of the letters N, O, aNd M are capitalized aNd bOlded. There is alsO aN abuNdaNce Of fO'Od puNs, thOugh they depeNd ON the wOrd aNd the situatiON.

Known Moves

  • TypeGrass.gif: Ingrain, Grass Knot, Vine Whip, Leaf Tornado
  • TypeDark.gif: Bite, Crunch
  • TypeNormal.gif: Sweet Scent, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow


  • Buffy's name is derived from the word "buffet", as a reference to his tendencies of mass eating and his omnivorous nature.
  • According to Goldenheart388, Buffy's Hasslemon handle is nomnivorousCatcher (NC). "Nomnivorous" is a portmanteau of "nom" (a sound effect associated with eating) and "omnivorous", referencing Buffy's ability to eat just about anything that is thrown at him, up to and including dirt. "Catcher" is a reference to Carnivine being based on a Venus flytrap, a species of plant known for catching and eating insects.
  • According to Goldenheart388, Buffy's English character theme is "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffett. Besides the obvious factor of the artist's name serving as a pun on Buffy's own, the song itself references Buffy's inability to prevent his mass eating habits, and particularly references his favorite food, cheeseburgers, by name. His Japanese character theme, meanwhile, is "Samama Festival!" by Mrs. GREEN APPLE, which instead references Buffy's more cheerfully relaxed side of his personality and his tendencies to have as much fun as possible while lounging around in the sun all day (given that Buffy, being a Carnivine, is a Grass-type Pokemon).
  • Buffy, being a Carnivine, is the only Pokemon that Goldenheart388 has written for who has Levitate as its ability and doesn't get an added benefit from it (being a Grass-type, he already resists Ground-type moves). This was pointed out by Cuddles upon the data for Buffy showing up for the first time.
  • Buffy's typing quirk references the sound effect "nom".
Leonard Braker's Team
On Hand : Walter202Mini.pngCuddles596Mini.pngJules336Mini.pngRomea335Mini.pngSerkis658Mini.pngPanto122Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh