Jules is Leonard Braker's Seviper, and the third Pokémon that he acquired on his journey.
The main thing that defines Seviper is their long-standing feud with Zangoose, one that has lasted for generations on end. One would naturally expect that Jules would follow suit-- but they don't. In fact, the main thing that defines Jules is their absolute love and friendliness towards all Pokémon, up to and including all Zangoose. Jules is a highly excitable, goofy, and somewhat naive Pokémon who loves making friends with others, usually greeting them with a hug and a few licks to the face. They care very deeply about other Pokémon and consider everyone they meet their friend, most notably a female Zangoose named Romea who repeatedly is shown to deny her friendship with them. This was most evident just before Braker caught them-- after their initial excitement upon having a Trainer, they wasted no time in offering Romea a spot on the team without any hesitation whatsoever. While Romea naturally refused and went off on her own, Jules was able to easily accept this and focus more on the fact that they had a Trainer at all, showing that they are also a rather optimistic Pokémon. When Romea eventually (albeit begrudgingly) agreed to join the team, Jules immediately wrapped her up in a hug. Despite Romea's extremely sarcastic and violent behavior, however, Jules cares about her very much, as shown when Romea called out for help after nearly falling down a waterfall. Jules wasted no time in tracking her down, and then was the one to save her life by catching her in his fangs just after she fell. Jules is also implied to be rather silly and goofy at times- Romea straight-up refers to them as a "silly snake", and they are constantly shown with their tongue lolling out of their mouth along with their giant fangs. Their interactions in Hasslemon also show this silliness, as they usually react to Romea's threats of violence with a derpy tongue face. Despite their goofy, fun-loving exterior, however, Jules has a tragic past: when they were a young Seviper and still lived in Kalos, they were kicked out by their own family, who hated them for the fact that Jules actually liked Zangoose and didn't want to fight them. It's implied that this is the reason why Jules traveled to the Galar region, where Seviper are very rare. In battle, while Jules can sometimes be competent, they are usually just as derpy as they otherwise would be when not in battle. Their "Glare" attack looks more like a mix of puppy-dog eyes and a look of confusion and fails to paralyze anyone, as seen during Kim's battle against Braker, where Jules failed to paralyze Joel. Soon afterwards, Romea reluctantly offered to teach Jules more about battling skills.
- Met: The Wild Area
- Ability: Shed Skin
- Favorite Move: Lick
- Nature: Naive
- Characteristic: Likes to relax
- Ball: Poké
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
All ss'ss, zz'ss, and ssoft cc'ss are doubled, sso ass to emulate the hissssing of a ssnake. Hard cc'ss are not doubled. Juless alsso tendss to end ssome of their ssentenccess with a tongue emoji, ssuch ass thiss. :P
Known Moves
: Poison Tail, Poison Fang
: Lick
: Glare, Screech
- Jules' name comes from a masculine form of "Juliet", as in the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet, due to Jules and Romea essentially being "star-crossed lovers" from tribes of feuding Pokémon; this is despite the fact that Jules is canonically non-binary. Additionally, Jules' sweet, kindhearted, and peace-loving nature makes them the more traditionally feminine of the two Pokémon, yet they were given the name's masculine form. This was originally due to the fact that Jules was supposed to be male before Goldenheart388 decided to make them a pan enby instead.
- According to Goldenheart388, Jules' Hasslemon handle is zangooseLover (ZL), as a reference to their relationship with all Zangoose, particularly Romea.
- According to Goldenheart388, Jules' regular character theme is "Lonely Train" by Black Stone Cherry, their Broadway character theme is "You Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray, and their headcanon voice is that of Jack McBrayer as Wander from Wander Over Yonder.
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